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Post #1350109

Anakin Starkiller
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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)
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Date created
28-May-2020, 1:24 PM

jonh said:

Hal 9000 said:

jonh, how about you call in as “the Phantom four” or “Spectre four” or some synonym for ghost?

Or “Jedi Haircut” lol

“this is the Phantom four, standing by” i like it!!!
I send it to you today 😃

Canonically, the crew use Specter as a callsign, with each member being Specter 1-6. The Phantom is the name of the small ship that attaches to the back of the Ghost.

After 3PO says “One last look… at my friends!” it would be cool to have a short montage of Luke, Han and Leia from the Original Trilogy. This would make is appear 3PO is accessing his memory banks of Luke, Han and Leia instead.

No, that’s a horrible idea. The ST is already too obsessed with OT as it is. I’d allow the montage if it includes the Prequels and a bit of the Sequels, tying it all together, but just the Originals would be insulting. I get that has Prequel memories haven’t been restored at this point, but that’s not important.

Chase Adams said:

I decided I wanted to put my mental C-3PO inventory to some more good use, so I spent a few minutes screwing around with the scene where 3PO gets his memory back.

THIS IS ROUGH, I haven’t done anything with pruning the audio yet, this is just raw lines used:


I really didn’t like the joke about R2 “putting something in his head” as well as the smash cut mid-sentence, so I changed it.

I hope Snooker gets a chance to see my “mistress Rey” line replacement since she was the one who gave me the idea!

I agree with what Octorox said; the Prequel reference is nice but the original smash cut line was much better.