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Post #1350024

Hal 9000
Parent topic
The Eopie fart joke appriciation thread (Formerly "Revenge of the Sith and inconsistencies with my memory - wipe transition?")
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Date created
28-May-2020, 6:37 AM

Darth Giacomo said:

Hal 9000 said:



The whole gag is a good 15 seconds. The thing farts and howls about it. We need to get that into 4K and back into the movie. All theatrical otherwise.

In all seriousness, I miss my ooooold TPM edit sourced from DVD, where I could mix and match from all the extended podrace bits. Couldn’t really do that while working with the BluRay since it’s so different.

Thank you for sharing this knowledge. I’m actually really surprised a shorter version of this gag exists, since I’ve only seen TPM on VHS. Was it cut down for the DVD release or the later BLuray release?

It was never changed within the film itself. What that link shows is the bonus extended podrace sequence.