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Post #1349495

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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)
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Date created
26-May-2020, 6:02 PM

kewlfish said:

Here is a rough mock-up of the battle of Exegol and ending scenes combining many of the ideas and scenes from the last couple weeks. It is very rough but its more of a concept to look to decide what works and what doesn’t. Here is what is included:

  • Poppasketti’s incredible tie-replacement.
  • jonh’s awesome ghost clips
  • wakeupkeo’s idea of having Ben heal Rey before Palpatine is dead
  • Repurposed Chess scene before Tatooine.

For your consideration:

  • I chose Jonh’s clip that has a purple lightsaber, I know that Rey doesn’t use the purple all the way through but I didn’t know of any other available clips that changed the color all the way through.
  • Rey hearing all of the Jedi’s voices is included but it definitely needs some work. It seems a little redundant with the Jonh’s clip maybe?
  • Audio cuts are a little rough
  • I wasn’t able to add the new Rey Skywalker line delivery or Poppa’s last falcon shot as they are not yet available for public use… just, uh, imagine that they are there lol

What do you all think? Its kind of a long clip lol


Okay so the sound should be fixed on this lol… this is the same post fixed audio, I haven’t incorporated feedback into this version! Looking forward to thoughts and feedback!
