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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 99


Here is a quick mock up.
Password: deathstar
Samuel Kim’s full track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHxOg6zNg9Q

Bear in mind my edit is removing Palpatine and this acts as the final big showdown. It will be intercut with the fleet battle over Exegol so I will probably rescore each section individually for better timing of musical cues, nor did I bother smoothing the film’s audio where Finn and Jannah were cut.


This has probably already been suggested but as Palpatine was born on Naboo it might work better if the Mustaphar sequence was relocated there. All those burned trees would tell a story of the garden paradise of episode 1 turned to ash. Maybe some added images of the palace in ruins.


joshuabri said:

Here is a quick mock up.
Password: deathstar
Samuel Kim’s full track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHxOg6zNg9Q

Bear in mind my edit is removing Palpatine and this acts as the final big showdown. It will be intercut with the fleet battle over Exegol so I will probably rescore each section individually for better timing of musical cues, nor did I bother smoothing the film’s audio where Finn and Jannah were cut.

Not bad, but if you’re looking to use Samuel Kim’s music for that final duel, you may want to consider something that is less prequel-specific. Here’s a version with Sam’s TROS Battlefront 2 mix that uses motifs from Kylo and Rey and seems to fit better IMO.



DarthYcey said:

joshuabri said:

Here is a quick mock up.
Password: deathstar
Samuel Kim’s full track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHxOg6zNg9Q

Bear in mind my edit is removing Palpatine and this acts as the final big showdown. It will be intercut with the fleet battle over Exegol so I will probably rescore each section individually for better timing of musical cues, nor did I bother smoothing the film’s audio where Finn and Jannah were cut.

Not bad, but if you’re looking to use Samuel Kim’s music for that final duel, you may want to consider something that is less prequel-specific. Here’s a version with Sam’s TROS Battlefront 2 mix that uses motifs from Kylo and Rey and seems to fit better IMO.


I agree that does fit better. I will have to see how it fits when it’s intercut with the Exegol fleet battle. The interplay of the two battles will be important for my edit.


DarthYcey said:

joshuabri said:

Here is a quick mock up.
Password: deathstar
Samuel Kim’s full track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHxOg6zNg9Q

Bear in mind my edit is removing Palpatine and this acts as the final big showdown. It will be intercut with the fleet battle over Exegol so I will probably rescore each section individually for better timing of musical cues, nor did I bother smoothing the film’s audio where Finn and Jannah were cut.

Not bad, but if you’re looking to use Samuel Kim’s music for that final duel, you may want to consider something that is less prequel-specific. Here’s a version with Sam’s TROS Battlefront 2 mix that uses motifs from Kylo and Rey and seems to fit better IMO.


Oooooh, I like this version, with the BF2/TROS mix.


idir_hh said:

Something like this combined with Poppa’s falcon ending could work for a Ben lives edit.

That’s really similar to what I’m trying to do. If you know anyone that can help please let me know.

Bit too much lenses flare imo.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


idir_hh said:

Something like this combined with Poppa’s falcon ending could work for a Ben lives edit.

That looks really good. Ben lives in my edit, so I have to give some consideration to using this. The clear, sunny sky doesn’t match the cloudy sky in the other shots, but that’s the kind of continuity error routinely found in actual movies.

Ideally, I’d like it if Ben wasn’t wearing his Kylo Ren outfit. I wonder if Adam Driver wears anything Star Wars appropriate in any if his other movies that could be used here. He wouldn’t have the scar, but you could probably assume that was a byproduct of Force Healing.


Movies Remastered said:

This version is better https://youtu.be/3J-etn7LP7k

Seems like they have a new edition arriving in 5 hours… 🤞

It’s a cool concept if you can reconcile Ben and Rey being a couple after all the horrible things he has done. Anyways, the editor chose to go with “Rey Solo” and it definitely sounds clipped. I personally prefer Ben as a force ghost over this, but different strokes for different folks!


It’s an idea worth throwing around but you’re right, showing that version of the ST to a young impressionable girl would be quite problematic.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


I think it’s more the fact that the dark side is more controlling of people’s emotions, a bit like being possessed so it’s against anyone’s control once you let it in. Rey saying “Ben” is like his return or exorcism in away. That’s how I see it anyway.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


Hal 9000 said:

Lol I remember telling my niece as Rey left Ach-to in TLJ, “Don’t risk your life going off with a dangerous guy because you think you can change him.”

I mean in fairness Rey explicitly says she wants to be with him only if he changes.


Any edit that tries to reuse the footage of Kylo on Pasaana has the unfortunate side effect of forcing him to show up on Tatooine with his Supreme Leader outfit on. Sure, his ‘Ben Solo’ outfit is just his underclothes or pyjamas or whatever, but reversing the costume change would be confusing.


In that context I wonder if his robes could be changed to a brown or navy.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


A recent mention of “Anthem of Evil” in this or Hal’s thread brought to mind something that has bothered me for a long time, which is that I can’t find the original Darth Plagueis them from ROTS. There’s plenty of tracks with the opera scene and Palpatine themes, but they don’t have my favorite part, which is the 7 notes that play as Palpatine is saying “Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord…to create life.”

I remember the theories and videos surrounding the similarity to Snoke’s theme, but why I can’t I find Plagueis’ them in the original instrumentation anywhere? It might be one of my favorite musical bits in of Star Wars, which may be an over-the-top feeling based simply on the frustration of not being able to find it!

Here’s a link with two pieces:
pw: fanedit

The first is from ROTS with the center channel turned off (you can still hear Palpatine a bit as he’s mixed into all of the channels). The second is my recreation of the theme using the choir from Anthem of Evil. I didn’t have all of the notes, and pitch-shifting sounded only okay, so I tried to cover for this by adding some flutes in garage band. I don’t know if this would be useful to anyone, but I love this theme, and thought it would be cool to think about somewhere.


I think it would be great to have some Plagues/Snoke music play as Kylo descends into and walks around the sith temple on Exogol.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


poppasketti said:

A recent mention of “Anthem of Evil” in this or Hal’s thread brought to mind something that has bothered me for a long time, which is that I can’t find the original Darth Plagueis them from ROTS. There’s plenty of tracks with the opera scene and Palpatine themes, but they don’t have my favorite part, which is the 7 notes that play as Palpatine is saying “Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord…to create life.”

I remember the theories and videos surrounding the similarity to Snoke’s theme, but why I can’t I find Plagueis’ them in the original instrumentation anywhere? It might be one of my favorite musical bits in of Star Wars, which may be an over-the-top feeling based simply on the frustration of not being able to find it!

Here’s a link with two pieces:
pw: fanedit

The first is from ROTS with the center channel turned off (you can still hear Palpatine a bit as he’s mixed into all of the channels). The second is my recreation of the theme using the choir from Anthem of Evil. I didn’t have all of the notes, and pitch-shifting sounded only okay, so I tried to cover for this by adding some flutes in garage band. I don’t know if this would be useful to anyone, but I love this theme, and thought it would be cool to think about somewhere.

There are ROTS soundtrack fan edits with clean versions of this (pulled from stuff like video games). I’ll send you a PM when I get the chance.


Well, talking about “Anthem of Evil”, here’s a rescore of the meeting of Kylo with Palpatine at the beginning of the movie with this track (once again, it’s a little rough and some sound effects were lost in the process…). It seems more horrific to me this way.


pw : fanedit


idir_hh said:

I think it would be great to have some Plagues/Snoke music play as Kylo descends into and walks around the sith temple on Exogol.

I agree. The music that plays when the Sith temple is revealed is pretty awesome, but’s also the theme of the Knights of Ren, who don’t appear in this scene. The Snoke/Plagueis music could tie the scenes together, backing up Palpatine’s claim about the dark side “unnatural” abilities.