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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 95


I’ve sent earlier versions of my “Leia Intervenes” edit over on Hal’s thread, but there doesn’t seem to be much interest in the idea for his film, so I’m posting the “final” version I just finished here in case others may find it useful.

In short, I always felt Leia should have had a larger role in Ben’s turn from the dark side, not just say his name to distract him. This edit re-imagines her role in his redemption. I’ve restructured and re-scored some parts to make the changes mesh together well. Kudos to Cinefy for the inspiration on Ben’s ‘toss the saber’ music. This also includes parts of DominicCobb’s new Rey Vision. Hope you like it…



DarthYcey said:

I’ve sent earlier versions of my “Leia Intervenes” edit over on Hal’s thread, but there doesn’t seem to be much interest in the idea for his film, so I’m posting the “final” version I just finished here in case others may find it useful.


I really like that. Nice concept.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Chase Adams said:

Here’s a potential rough proof of concept for an alternate ending I had in mind:


Edit: As you can see I’ve sort of given up.

Haha haha! That’s kind of how I’m feeling. This is the toughest edit of all the franchise.

If I could rewrite the script I’d have Rey stay dead and Ben come back as the new Luke. I’ve give Han full redemption for Kylo killing him.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


DarthYcey said:

I’ve sent earlier versions of my “Leia Intervenes” edit over on Hal’s thread, but there doesn’t seem to be much interest in the idea for his film, so I’m posting the “final” version I just finished here in case others may find it useful.

In short, I always felt Leia should have had a larger role in Ben’s turn from the dark side, not just say his name to distract him. This edit re-imagines her role in his redemption. I’ve restructured and re-scored some parts to make the changes mesh together well. Kudos to Cinefy for the inspiration on Ben’s ‘toss the saber’ music. This also includes parts of DominicCobb’s new Rey Vision. Hope you like it…


I like having Han be what distracts Ben during the fight. I would just make the first cut to him very brief. Then remove that same shot of Han later, the one before he starts talking to Ben (maybe start with the wide shot of the two on the ledge). However delaying Leia’s death actually lessons the dramatic impact because then her reference has to be removed from Han and Ben’s conversation.

heil Palpatine!


krausfadr said:

DarthYcey said:

I’ve sent earlier versions of my “Leia Intervenes” edit over on Hal’s thread, but there doesn’t seem to be much interest in the idea for his film, so I’m posting the “final” version I just finished here in case others may find it useful.

In short, I always felt Leia should have had a larger role in Ben’s turn from the dark side, not just say his name to distract him. This edit re-imagines her role in his redemption. I’ve restructured and re-scored some parts to make the changes mesh together well. Kudos to Cinefy for the inspiration on Ben’s ‘toss the saber’ music. This also includes parts of DominicCobb’s new Rey Vision. Hope you like it…


I like having Han be what distracts Ben during the fight. I would just make the first cut to him very brief. Then remove that same shot of Han later, the one before he starts talking to Ben (maybe start with the wide shot of the two on the ledge). However delaying Leia’s death actually lessons the dramatic impact because then her reference has to be removed from Han and Ben’s conversation.

Yeah, good point about a quicker Han cut and using different shots – that should be doable. But, in regard to the Leia references during the talk, they are gone for two reasons… A) the most obvious is that Leia hasn’t passed yet, so saying she’s gone obviously is wrong, but also B) Han talking about everything she stood for, etc. comes across as Leia being a little too full of herself (considering in this version it’s Leia doing a projection and talking about herself, not Ben not reliving a memory on his own). That dialogue works better in the original scene for the opposite reasons, but not in the way it’s been re-cut. Thanks for the feedback!


DarthYcey said:

Yeah, good point about a quicker Han cut and using different shots – that should be doable. But, in regard to the Leia references during the talk, they are gone for two reasons… A) the most obvious is that Leia hasn’t passed yet, so saying she’s gone obviously is wrong, but also B) Han talking about everything she stood for, etc. comes across as Leia being a little too full of herself (considering in this version it’s Leia doing a projection and talking about herself, not Ben not reliving a memory on his own). That dialogue works better in the original scene for the opposite reasons, but not in the way it’s been re-cut. Thanks for the feedback!

I did a similar cut removing all of Leia’s parts. The scene seems to flow so much smoother when it’s father and son. It has so way more gravitas removing that part, IMO.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


I have a special request if anyone is good with VFX. I would like to have the blood removed from Rey’s face in the celebration scenes. My edit is removing Palpatine entirely. The Rey vs. Kylo duel is used for the climactic battle and she has no blood when she goes to Ahch-To after, so she shouldn’t suddenly be covered in blood when she goes from there to the celebration. I have no idea if this is easy or difficult, but I thought I’d ask since there is a lot of amazing work being done here.


joshuabri said:

I have a special request if anyone is good with VFX. I would like to have the blood removed from Rey’s face in the celebration scenes. My edit is removing Palpatine entirely. The Rey vs. Kylo duel is used for the climactic battle and she has no blood when she goes to Ahch-To after, so she shouldn’t suddenly be covered in blood when she goes from there to the celebration. I have no idea if this is easy or difficult, but I thought I’d ask since there is a lot of amazing work being done here.

That’s a whole lotta work for a small detail.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


The Fortress Inquisitorius from the Fallen Order game would make for a cool base for Kylo Ren and his Knights, could even be where he rebuilds his helmet (it’s also on the planet next to Mustafar)

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Could we imply that Exogol is somehow a kind of Star-Forge that has frozen over the ages into a planet? It would be a good explanation for why the destroyers suddenly emerge from the under the ice as well as expand some of the lore of the film. Perhaps the huge pyramid like structure has an important role in the film other than just being there for eye candy. Maybe it could written in the crawl that Kylo, after being tormented by voices from the beyond, heralding his doom, has for the past years taken on a galactic wide conquest for an ancient weapon of the Sith. Capable of conjuring battle ships, the quantity of which could invade a thousand worlds.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


jonh, been busy but here is the first half of the Exegol force ghost scene that I incorporated into TROS: Resurgence:


changes from your version:
audio remixed using 5.1 channels
your selected music from ANH processed to improve stereo imaging
different, more subtle thunder fx
reinstated Palpatine’s line “let your death be the final word in the story of rebellion.”
removed Palpatine’s dramatic pause before zapping away
removed Rey making a bad acting face at the end of the scene
haven’t done it yet but might foley back in Rey’s panting

heil Palpatine!


That is really good!

Is there a rendition of Leia’s theme (or even Han & Leia’s theme) that might work better there than another needle-drop of Burning Homestead? Burning Homestead worked in The Force Awakens because the music was tied to Luke and specifically Luke “answering the call,” so repurposing it for Rey finally doing the same thing achieved a pretty remarkable effect.

I think maybe a similar version of Leia’s theme getting used there might make more sense considering it’s her saber that Rey’s catching this time.


It will be hard to do better than burning homestead for this scene, not that you shouldn’t try. That’s why jonh probably chose it. Set all themes aside (Luke, Leia, Ben etc.) and just hear what the music is playing for the scene. That’s how it works best and should be decided.

heil Palpatine!


Good work! Are there any lightning sounds from elsewhere in the movie relatively free of music? Even if you leave what you’ve got more or less, mixing in a few ‘authentic’ lightning sounds might help sell it.

Also, when you do have it how you like it, would you mind maybe posting a version without added music, to let others experiment with that aspect alone?

My stance on revising fan edits.


Here’s an idea, if you want to try it going forward; what if you used the final trailer’s epic rendition of the main theme, starting when Rey crosses the sabers and the ghosts lift their hands?


It starts at about 1:26 in this video, with the “This Christmas” card.

This music never got used in the film, but I think it’s wonderfully triumphant, and such a great piece that it’s a pity it’s nowhere in the movie. What better place for it than as a great catharsis or denouement for the saga, for it to come in as the grand villain of the saga is destroyed for good by the combined will of the heroes of it. It could continue and come to an end, and return to the original soundtrack, as Finn and Jannah destroy the control ship with Pryde in it.


Hal 9000 said:

Good work! Are there any lightning sounds from elsewhere in the movie relatively free of music? Even if you leave what you’ve got more or less, mixing in a few ‘authentic’ lightning sounds might help sell it.

Also, when you do have it how you like it, would you mind maybe posting a version without added music, to let others experiment with that aspect alone?

Thanks and yes once done I can definitely post a version without the any music. I’ll also check to see if there’s Exegol lightning claps without music. Good idea.

heil Palpatine!


JKMaxx said:

Here’s an idea, if you want to try it going forward; what if you used the final trailer’s epic rendition of the main theme, starting when Rey crosses the sabers and the ghosts lift their hands?


It starts at about 1:26 in this video, with the “This Christmas” card.

This music never got used in the film, but I think it’s wonderfully triumphant…

Interesting idea— note the music in the trailer is heavily ducked. Perhaps there’s enough of the un-ducked parts to be useful or pristine tracks can be found somewhere else? However the music sounds more sentimental and a tad too melancholy so I’m not sure yet that it fits for this scene.

heil Palpatine!


krausfadr said:

JKMaxx said:

Here’s an idea, if you want to try it going forward; what if you used the final trailer’s epic rendition of the main theme, starting when Rey crosses the sabers and the ghosts lift their hands?


It starts at about 1:26 in this video, with the “This Christmas” card.

This music never got used in the film, but I think it’s wonderfully triumphant…

Interesting idea— note the music in the trailer is heavily ducked. Perhaps there’s enough of the un-ducked parts to be useful or pristine tracks can be found somewhere else? However the music sounds more sentimental and a tad melancholy so I’m not sure yet that it fits for this scene.

Looking for this?



To be fair, “melancholy and sentimental” is also how I’d describe “Burning Homestead,” especially considering the scene it was originally written for 😃

Honestly, I think if there’s a way to extend what Williams already wrote for the “I am all the sith/jedi” scene (to account for the extra shots of ghostly jedi) that might be the “best” solution, but I think the trailer music version of Leia’s theme could work as well. Probably from :30 to 1 minute.


There are various clean versions of that music available online - and I’m certain there are more than a few orchestral/string recreations of it to be used too. The most famous one is a recreation by “samuel kim music” should be pretty easy to find on YouTube.

Another idea might be to use the version of the Force Theme that Williams originally wrote for “Rey catches the Saber” in TFA, which then got tracked over by Burning Homestead.


That works really well! Did you stretch some of the music to fit the on-screen actions? It matches the dramatic beats in a way I wouldn’t have expected.

Could the “Leia’s Theme” section of that trailer music starting at around :30 work for when Rey calls Leia’s saber to her? I think it might time out correctly so that it naturally leads into that Star Wars theme you’re using.

It might even work so that the piano version of “yoda’s theme” plays just as she’s saying “I am all the jedi.”