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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 90


Delpheas said:

Hal, for the end are you thinking of using Idir’s “Rey Skywalker” with or without music?

Also, I was thinking about the scene where Rey hears the voices of Jedi past, and I was thinking that if it works with the audio, that cutting Ahsoka’s line would be a good idea.

Don’t get me wrong, she’s my favorite SW character and I love Ashley’s voice for her, but her presence in that scene was confusing for fans.

Because all of the other Jedi Rey hears are dead, people of course wondered if Ahsoka was too, prompting Dave Filoni to say that she was fine. Which makes it weird that she’s in the scene.

Secondly, she’s getting ready to make a live action appearance played by a different actor, which imo compounds the weirdness of her TRoS appearance.

Anyway, just some thoughts.

She should’ve died on Malachor. The fandom has circlejerked a good character into a gift from god who cannot and must not die.

Ed Slushie said:

On the subject of Mustafar, I realized recently that the famous shot of Kylo Ren extending his lightsaber (from the first TFA teaser trailer) didn’t actually appear in the movie. Plus, it doesn’t show his surroundings very much so I was thinking that some color correction could be used to make it look like he’s arriving to fight the Mustafarians.

I had seen that suggested somewhere and if it can be done it could work great. Key word: could.


For the TIE thing with Kylo, my vote is using Vader’s TIE. Kinda poetic we see Luke’s X Wing and Vader’s TIE together.

We already know we have to dispel disbelief on a many things, so why not that?

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


A shuttle would probably be easier to convincingly cover up a TIE with, too.


Just an idea that came to me recently, I don’t know how feasible it is; brought it up recently in another thread. However, I was thinking if someone took the clip of Kylo suggesting a clone army in TFA and re-purpose the line to him saying “a clone” when encountering Palaptine. I know his voice is modulated in TFA and he is maskless in TRoS so it may not work. If someone could clean it up, it could make Kylo seem more intuitive and help explain further in the film that the Palapatine we encounter in TRoS is indeed a clone. Also it would pair well with Palaptine’s deleted line in response “more than a clone, less than a man.”


Hal 9000 said:

My prequel edits have Spanish subtitles thanks to a volunteer. Originally MalaStrana did the French subtitles but I’ve done them since.

I’ll be sure to do Spanish subtitles for this and future releases, and go back and do them for ANH-TLJ. The work and syncing is done, as I can mirror the English subtitles’ timing to the Spanish ones. It’s not rocket science but requires some time and attention.

Hi, I found and binge-watched your edits a couple of weeks ago and have been stalking this thread ever since. Fantastic work!

I had to sign up to mention I’ve spent the last few days editing spanish subtitles for TFA & TLJ for personal use(to show them to my friends). But if they could be of any use I’ll gladly donate them.


This guy’s Mustafar test from the radical redux thread is amazing.

LILIAN02230 said:

Hello There! here is an unfinished test to place the battle of Mustafar in TLJ, I have an idea behind my head with the voice of Vader, so that he guides Kylo to him to link the line “finish what you started” with the he story of Palpatine pulling the strings, to me it is more important that this revelation is made just after the death of Luke.


Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

This guy’s Mustafar test from the radical redux thread is amazing.

LILIAN02230 said:

Hello There! here is an unfinished test to place the battle of Mustafar in TLJ, I have an idea behind my head with the voice of Vader, so that he guides Kylo to him to link the line “finish what you started” with the he story of Palpatine pulling the strings, to me it is more important that this revelation is made just after the death of Luke.

I believe I will make you an alt version to place at the start of IX

I always get worried about disrupting continuity. I seem to get blamed for that a lot.
Dave Filoni


Hal 9000 said:

Absolutely, that’ll save me a lot of effort if you are already doing that. Thanks in advance. 😃

Great! Where can I send them?


LILIAN02230 said:

idir_hh said:

This guy’s Mustafar test from the radical redux thread is amazing.

LILIAN02230 said:

Hello There! here is an unfinished test to place the battle of Mustafar in TLJ, I have an idea behind my head with the voice of Vader, so that he guides Kylo to him to link the line “finish what you started” with the he story of Palpatine pulling the strings, to me it is more important that this revelation is made just after the death of Luke.

I believe I will make you an alt version to place at the start of IX

Damn that’s unbelievable; looks so good! Keep up the amazing work.


I really like the music choice, it just screams Mustafar.

A combination of the troop assault and the establishing shots from this thread would really give the scene its due introduction.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Cinefy said:

I rescored Han Solo’s cameo / Ben Solo’s redemption to have a more Skywalker feel, did this back when the HDR released.

I used the theme from the Phantom Menace when Anakin is freed from Slavery, feels like a really beautiful call back and flows perfectly with this scene, especially being that Ben Solo is the last Skywalker it felt just right, the Saga begins with Anakin being freed to this track and now it ends with Ben Solo being freed from the darkside.

Rescore Test: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQt906lt7-U

I’m curious to see how well this blends in with the rest of the scene, as the original had music. Is the dialog on an isolated channel?


If I could weigh in with my 2 cents on Vader’s Castle in the opening scene. If the goal is to clearly establish the scene as being set on Mustafar, I don’t think including that shot is warranted. I believe that if the ‘Vader’s helmet’ scene is moved up to the start of the film, along with new volcanic establishing shots, people who are familiar with previous films would easily discern the planet on which the scene is set. I reckon that showing Vader’s Castle would come off as “hand-holding”. Not only that, it would be an establishing shot for a place that isn’t where the scene is actually set and might actually be confusing in different way.

Sorry if some of these points have already been covered here. Still, I feel using Vader’s castle isn’t the best choice here… and yes, I’m a sucker for canon, so I felt extra incentivized to share my thoughts on this.

There’s my two pennies, spend 'em how you will.


Wow, that is impressive!

Burbin said:

Hal 9000 said:

Absolutely, that’ll save me a lot of effort if you are already doing that. Thanks in advance. 😃

Great! Where can I send them?

You could send me a link via PM by whatever means, or PM me for email or to figure something else out. Luckily subs are tiny files.

My stance on revising fan edits.


poppasketti said:

Alrighty, updated the ties to the First Order models (thanks for pointing that out, my mistake)!

The updates are now in the Master Clips folder on my drive; here’s the reference vimeo links:
Mustafar - Tie Flyover
Mustafar - Tie Flyover Alt
pw: fanedit

HELL YEAH!!! That second clip fits amazingly. Thank you for awesome work.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Just a small detail regarding the TIE Fighters; the First Order special force TIEs (like the one Poe and Finn stole in TFA) are supposed to have been upgraded with hyperdrives (explaining why Finn meant to leave the system instead of landing on Jakku). The TIEs that pursue the Millennium Falcon during the lightspeed skipping scene are also Special force TIEs. But since everyone is cutting the lightspeed skipping sequence, I believe the best course of action would be replace Kylo’s TIE on Exegol with either a TIE Advanced (Vader was stationed in the DS II, so why not?) or a Lambda shuttle.

I love that repurposed Stormtrooper footage! Where does the original come from? Battlefront II?

I second the general idea of:

  • Mustafar space shot
  • Vader’s helmet / Vision
  • establishing Fortress Vader panning shot (recoloured/edited)
  • poppasketti’s TIE flyover shot.
  • Stormtroopers landing on Mustafar
  • Kylo slaughters the Cultists
  • Kylo hears “Find me” coming from the Wayfinder.

RE: Following up my post, I’m reading now that the opening scene is literally supposed to be at the ruins of Fortress Vader, except the ruins are not shown in the final film (unless you count the casket that held the wayfinder?) Weird.


I don’t think it’d really work to have a vision and then Mustafar, probably too chaotic. If one was to put the Vader’s helmet scene first I’d think a voice or voices would be more appropriate.