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Star Wars Episode IX: The Last Hope (Help Wanted Finishing This Edit) (WIP)


I’m almost a year in on this project and it’s going amazingly but I’m stuck on a few smaller scenes until I teach myself more After Effect skills. Is anyone up for helping me finish my version of The Rise of Skywalker? aka The Last Hope

I’m making around 1250 changes and the story, pacing, and overall running of the film. I’ve finished the rough cut but I’m looking for any huge fans with any spare time and after effects skills that could help me finished several small scenes. Here are some of the changes so far…

TEASER TRAILER HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlKAw0HppYU
NEW FULL TRAILER HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQnXhZnsIpg

Changes include:

● Add Star Destroyers in the distant sky for multiple-planet shots for Palpatine’s galaxy message.
● Remove Kylos and Ship crash from the desert clip.
● Content fill chrome moving ship from Coruscant scene.
● Add Exagol planet to TLJ Kylo deleted scene.
● Remove Kylos scar.
● Colour correct Clone tanks to green & remove Vaders shadow from the footage.
● Content filling smoke out of the scene.
● Switching broken ship with X-wing image.
● Turning Poes grey shirt to orange.
● Palpatine ultimate power red lightning colour change.
● Add Dagger to Rey’s hand to fix continuety error.
● Finish Saber Crackling [is Kewlfish ok?]
● Add Lando to Leia’s death scene. [Has anyone heard from Jonh?]

You can see some of my work at http://www.youtube.com/moviesremastered

If anyone has any spare time and would like to help please let me know. Any help will be listed in the credits and links/shout outs/co-ops will be added to my channel if you’d wish.


UPDATE May 16 2020:

Star Wars Episode IX: The Last Hope

New Opening:

New Opening crawl (No mention of Palpatine) - Does anyone have a template?
☑ Remove Kylo Ren on Mustafa
☑ Remove Kylo going to Exagol
☑ Insert Kylo flashback scene (Dominic edit revised)
☑ Insert Kylo Ren fixing mask scene

New Leia & Luke Scene:

☑ Insert Nasa blue planet clip
☑ Add Rey meditation scene
☑ Create a new scene with Leia talking to Luke about Reys training
☑ Cut to Luke from TLJ night scene
☑ Insert Lukes death scene from TLJ (switch day to night fx)
☑ Insert Leia dropping headphones and sorrow for Kylo scene

Falcon Message:

☑ Cut Klaud burp
☑ Cut Poe saying “Sorry!, I’m sorry!”
☑ Remove Klaud from the background
☑ Cut Finn saying “Oooh!”
☑ Delete Klaud falling
☑ Cut oncoming Tie Fighters
☑ Cut after Falcon jumps to like speed.
☑ Remove head-on Tie Fighters
☑ Remove lightspeed skipping scene

Forest Scene:

☑ Add new natural history Jungle footage
☑ Insert Rey meditation
☑ Cut Reys tantrum
☑ Cut Reys wirework roll
☑ Cut Rey saying “To hear the voices of the Jedi…"
☑ Restructure talk with Leia & Rey to seem more respectful
☑ Add Crackling Saber effect throughout (WIP)
☑ Remove Rey cutting down so many trees
☑ Delete BB8 Under tree clip

Rey & Leia in bunker scene:

☑ Remove Rey saying “I will earn you brothers Saber”
☑ Add BB8 clip from cave to cover Rey handing Leia Saber Thanks idir_hh for continuity error mention

Falcon Back:

☑ Add Falcon returning from TFA
☑ Remove entire Poe, Rey & Finn “Banter scene”
☑ Cut straight to Poe giving the message
☑ Remove Poe saying “Pulling the strings”
☑ Remove Leia Saying “Always from the shadows”
☑ Cut Poe saying “16 hours…”

Kylo Ren Return:

☑ Remove Stormtroopers saying “Knights of Ren…"
☑ Remove all mention of Sith Fleet or deal
☑ Remove “Harvest more of the galaxies young.

Mustafa Scene:
☑ Add New Tie Fighter establishing shot of Mustafar
☑ Add New Tie Pilot scene

☑ Add New pan shot on Mustafa (Thanks Kewlfish)
☑ Add battlefront II scene (Lilian edit revised)
☑ Recolour Blue Gun Blasts yellow.
☑ Insert Kylo Killing people on Mustafa
☑ Add Palpatine saying “Good”


☑ Continue with Exagol scene
☑ Remove Saber lens flair
☑ Cut Palpatine saying “Every voice inside your head”
☑ Cut Palpatine saying “Kill the girl”
☑ Lengthen Ship pan shot
☑ Cut weird transition pause before Falcon

Falcon desert planet:

☑ Remove Finn Saying “That’s lucky”
☑ Remove C3PO joke
☑ Cut Finn saying “I’ve never seen so few Wayfinders”
☑ Insert BB8 scene from TFA
☑ Remove Rey saying “Excellent name”
☑ Delete Bead analysis dialog
☑ Cut Lando scene
☑ Cut Finn saying “How do you know how to do that?”
☑ Cut all of “They fly now!” dialog
☑ Cut Poe saying “Did we lose them?”
☑ Cut Finn saying “I think so”
☑ Cut C3PO saying “Excellent job Sir!”
☑ Cut cheers after killing Stormtrooper
☑ Cut Rey saying “Ochi’s ship”
☑ Remove Stormtrooper flying death
☑ Delete cartoon Stormtrooper death
☑ Speed up sinking sand scene so Rey has no time to use the force.
☑ Cut C3PO saying “when will this agony end”
☑ Cut Finn saying “Rey I never told you”
☑ Remove Wexley & Leia scene

Cave scene:

☑ Cut flashlight joke
☑ Remove flashlight from the end of the clip
☑ Add Crackling Saber FX
☑ Remove Poe, Rey & Finn dialog
☑ Remove Ochi dialog
☑ Cut Poe saying “bazillion languages”
☑ Cut C3PO saying “I know exactly where the Wayfinder is”
☑ Insert Serpent teaser clip
☑ Add Luke saying “Reach out, Breathe!”
☑ Cut Rey saying “You would have done the same”

Chewies Death scene:

☑ Remove Rey passing Finn her belongings
☑ Remove Rey saying “I’ll be right behind you”
☑ Overlay dialog Rey saying “It’s ok!”
☑ Remove Kylo ship appearing
☑ Add more tension with Kylos entrance
☑ Remove Rey jumping Kylo Ship
☑ Remove Kylo Completely
☑ Insert Kylo Ship appearing
☑ Remove all Rey & Kylo tug-o-war
☑ Cut close up of Rey saying “Chewie!”
Remove Kylo from the wide shot - Can anyone help?
☑ Insert Kylo clip in ship speeding up
☑ Remove Chewie death fake out

Poe, Finn & Rey plan:
☑ Cut Finn saying “Redactive bypass”
☑ Insert BB8 cutaway

☑ Cut Finn saying “but of this mission fails…”
☑ Cut “Hands” dialog

Kojimi scene:

☑ Cut Finn saying “Spice runner”
☑ Cut back and forth dialog
☑ Add Crackling Saber
☑ Cut Zorii saying “Not that you care”
☑ Cut Rey saying “I care!”
☑ Cut Poe saying “He won’t remember anything”
☑ Cut Finn saying “Doesn’t R2 back up…”
☑ Cut C3PO saying “R2 Unreliable”
☑ Cut Poe saying “How you doing there?”
☑ Cut C3PO saying “At my friends”
☑ Remove Zorri’s hair strands

☑ Change wipe transition to Kylo

☑ Insert Chewies fake-out scene

Kylo Ren Destroyer:

☑ Cut Rey saying “You’re relieved we’re here”
☑ Cut Stormtrooper saying “Welcome guys!”
☑ Cut Finn saying “Reys here”
☑ Cut Finn saying “Ships this way, follow me”
☑ Cut Finn shouting “Poe!”
☑ Cut Poe saying “Hey, Fellas”
☑ Cut Trooper saying “Shut up, Scum!”
☑ Edit weird end scene.

Rey & Kylo force fight scene:

☑ Cut Kylo saying “Where ever you are”
☑ Cut Kylo saying “I pushed you in the desert”
☑ Cut Kylo saying “They sold you to protect you”
☑ Cut Kylo saying “Tell me where you are”
☑ Cut Kylo saying “So, that’s where you are!”
Add dagger to Rey’s hand to fix continuity error - Can anyone help?
☑ Cut Poe & Finn dialog
☑ Cut Hux saying “I’m the spy!”
☑ Remove Rey passing C3PO weapons
☑ Remove Hux saying “Aaaah!”
☑ Remove all Kylo Palpatine dialog

☑ Remove Palpatine talking to Kylo

Deathstar wreckage scene:

☑ Remove Rey saying “it’s a bad place”
☑ Cut the Goonies style dagger scene
☑ Insert Sith Whispers
☑ Cut Jannah saying “Not now, Too dangerous!”
☑ Cut Jannah saying “There’s another skimmer”

Deathstar Scene:

☑ Edit Rey losing grip and worry face.
☑ Insert Sith Whispers
☑ Remove Reys weird head pop upshot
☑ Remove Kylo weird reaction
☑ Cut Wayfinder prop swap
☑ Insert deathstar ridge scene
☑ Remove Finn from deathstar
☑ Remove Finn & Jannah from behind Kylo scene
☑ Add Han Solo shouting “Ben!”
☑ Remove Leias death scene
☑ Add Leia saying “Rey!”
☑ Add more Leia Dialogue
☑ Add Kylo scar healing scene
☑ Cut Falcon picking up Finn & Jannah

☑ Remove Leias bedside scene
☑ Remove Poe & Finn return scene

Kylo & Han scene:

☑ Remove dialog about Leia

Rebel Base scene:

☑ Insert Palpatine’s message from Fortnight
☑ Add city scenes/planets/worlds
☑ Switch Poe and Rose scenes
☑ Remove Poe talking to Leia

Luke Island scene:

☑ Cut Luke saying “A Jedi weapon deserves more respect”
☑ Cut Luke saying “Because you’re a Palpatine?”
☑ Remove “She still trained me”
☑ Insert “She still trained me” after Leia saber
☑ Extend Rey scene to fit with new dialog
☑ Move Luke saying “Last night of her training”
☑ Insert “Any news from Rey?” scene with Wexley
☑ Rearrange scene and cut any mention of the Falcon

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


Welcome to the OT forums! You’ll never find a more wretched hive of talent and passion.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Hi! I’m that LNP who commented on your videos on YouTube. Great work!
I’m not able to work with After Effects, but good luck!

Italian faneditor.

PM me for links if interested.



Thanks, I’m really appreciating all the feedback. I got a lot of negative comments on Reddit at the start but its overall becoming way more positive. Had a few people mention this site so I thought I’d join it.

There’s some really amazing things going on here. Glad to be on board.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


Were those “negative comments” comparing you to Ivan Ortega by any chance?

“The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”
-Sheev Palpatine, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005)


I thought some of your changes were excellent, they even inspired some of my edits.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Movies Remastered said:

idir_hh said:

I thought some of your changes were excellent, they even inspired some of my edits.

Wow! That’s pretty encouraging to hear. Thank You!

How close are you to finishing your edit?

At the moment I’m working out the structure of the plot. I’m really still in the brainstorming phase, figuring out the right structure for the first act, which really is the trickiest part of the film. I’m experimenting with different ideas

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


You’re unlikely to find people volunteering to perform any significant FX work, but might I suggest EbSynth? It works wonders in my experience, so long as you provide it enough keyframes.


Anakin Starkiller said:

You’re unlikely to find people volunteering to perform any significant FX work, but might I suggest EbSynth? It works wonders in my experience, so long as you provide it enough keyframes.

Thanks, I was told to try this site as a lot of people are pressuring me to finish my edit but I just don’t have much time right now.

I wouldn’t say they were significant. They’re fairly simple edits for someone who knows after effects.

The day to night switch is really simple but I’m colourblind so it’s a bit of a nightmare to get right.

I’ll check out EbSynth. Hadn’t heard of it before but looks pretty cool. Cheers.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


Movies Remastered said:

No, is that a regular insult or a bad thing?

I don’t think it’s a regular insult, but being compared to him outside of places like YouTube and Reddit wouldn’t be something positive. Ivan all but snubbed the fanediting communities when he was questioned about his fanedit for profit model. We’re all very passionate about protecting our hobby/obsession.

Mostly people hating that I cut Klaud and made some scene changes they didn’t agree with.

Cutting Klaud is probably a good thing as he doesn’t really add any value to the story. He has less significance than a pit droid unfortunately.

Are you still using iMovie to make your edit?

Request edits at https://digmodification.wordpress.com/contact


Hi there. FWIW, I’d say the thing to be cautious of here and at FanEdit.org is any perception that you’ll be doing anything commercial related to fan editing. It’s kind of a prime directive sort of thing: it’s there to protect us and make this whole thing safe and able to go on.

If you ever pursue FX to remove Klaud let me know, since removing him may be an incidental support to being able to move the chess scene to the very end of the movie. (Making the scene at the start in need of starting after Klaud’s proper introduction, so removing him from the remaining shots would be cleaner. But I don’t really want to remove him were it not for this other change.)

My stance on revising fan edits.


DigMod said:

Ivan all but snubbed the fanediting communities when he was questioned about his fanedit for profit model. We’re all very passionate about protecting our hobby/obsession.

Oh really? I’m new to all this so didn’t follow the situation. I thought he was just raising funds to reshoot some scenes and pay voice actors?

Cutting Klaud is probably a good thing as he doesn’t really add any value to the story. He has less significance than a pit droid unfortunately.

Try telling that to the group of people that think he should have his own spinoff LOL!

Are you still using iMovie to make your edit?

No, I’m only doing those tutorials to show people that simple cuts can still be made with free software and try to encourage people to do it themselves without being intimidated with expensive programs etc. I do all my edits with Premier Pro.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


Hal 9000 said:

Hi there. FWIW, I’d say the thing to be cautious of here and at FanEdit.org is any perception that you’ll be doing anything commercial related to fan editing. It’s kind of a prime directive sort of thing: it’s there to protect us and make this whole thing safe and able to go on.

If you ever pursue FX to remove Klaud let me know, since removing him may be an incidental support to being able to move the chess scene to the very end of the movie. (Making the scene at the start in need of starting after Klaud’s proper introduction, so removing him from the remaining shots would be cleaner. But I don’t really want to remove him were it not for this other change.)

It’s an honour to speak to you. I’ve heard a lot about your work and seen various things you’ve done.

I have no intention of going commercial or making any profit from my work. I had an idea of trying to raise cash to shoot some extra scenes in the future I.e. Rey building her Saber and reshooting Kylo Ren for TFA scenes or commisioning work I cant do myself if I couldnt fine anyone but those are only ideas for now.

I wasn’t going to eliminate Klaud completely, I just cut his opening scene as I thought his “mechanic” job was a little silly. Got a lot of hate for it.

I’ve very keen to see what your take on the movie will be. Saw you’re struggling with free time aswell.

Best of luck.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


Sounds like you’ll fit right in here, then.

For me, IX is gonna be more community driven than ever, and that’s saying something. I really don’t care for the movie, but hey, I’ve gotta finish the saga. This ones gonna be more of a ‘Hal9000 presents an OT.com production.’

The more the merrier. We tend to share stuff and have bonded lately over our shared trauma.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

Sounds like you’ll fit right in here, then.

For me, IX is gonna be more community driven than ever, and that’s saying something. I really don’t care for the movie, but hey, I’ve gotta finish the saga. This ones gonna be more of a ‘Hal9000 presents an OT.com production.’

The more the merrier. We tend to share stuff and have bonded lately over our shared trauma.

That’s exactly where I’m at. I did start being secretive and trying to release mine before everyone else but it was such a huge undertaking that it’s gonna take an entire community like this to fix it!

I’m excited to be a part of this but please tell me if I do anything wrong. Still having trouble finding out how to reply to people, how to read replies, and searching for stuff but it’s early days yet.

Is raising funds for props, costumes, crew, etc a no no? I’m not sure I’ll get enough time this year to shoot the Rey and Kylo scenes I’d like to add but was advised to set up a Patreon, PayPal, or Kickstarter? I’m learning as I go so It’s all new to me. Also, why do people avoid youtube and use Vimeo? Is it a copyright thing or password-protected access etc?

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


As long as you stick to Adywan’s donation model rather than Ivan Ortega’s you’ll be alright, I think, but generally getting money involved with fanediting is risky. I think a lot of the issue people had with Ivan was that he was framing it essentially as people paying him to ‘fix’ the movie, and he didn’t respond well to criticism in his brief stint on this website. It certainly didn’t help that his fanedit wound up being… subpar after he’d hyped it for years.

People use password protected Vimeo videos to reduce the chance of Disney copyright-nuking them. Clips of fanedits often don’t last long on YouTube if the algorithm picks up a few seconds of forbidden John Williams. I stick everything on Streamable out of habit and I don’t think any of it has been taken down.


sade1212 said:

As long as you stick to Adywan’s donation model rather than Ivan Ortega’s you’ll be alright, I think, but generally getting money involved with fanediting is risky.

That’s some very good info. Thank you very much.

What’s the Adywan donation model? Only found his stuff last year an it blew my mind! Can’t wait for the next edition of RotJ.

I’ve been researching a lot on fair-use and youtube copyright rules. It seems that Disney will most likey just claim the fan edit scenes and place ads on them if they’re not too long?

I’ll defo look into vimeo aswell. I run another fairly successful channel as it was just what I’m used to. Always up for learning new ways to share ideas.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


Anakin Starkiller said:

You’re unlikely to find people volunteering to perform any significant FX work, but might I suggest EbSynth? It works wonders in my experience, so long as you provide it enough keyframes.

It seems my reply got deleted. Thanks for the heads up on EbSynth, I’ll give it a look over when I find some times.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


idir_hh said:

I thought some of your changes were excellent, they even inspired some of my edits.

Wow! That’s pretty encouraging to hear. Thank You!

How close are you to finishing your edit?

At the moment I’m working out the structure of the plot. I’m really still in the brainstorming phase, figuring out the right structure for the first act, which really is the trickiest part of the film. I’m experimenting with different ideas

I’ve decided to completely redesign an opening scene between Leia & Luke to slow the pacing down. Here’s a small list of what I’ve done so far.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


I’m digging the cut list. looking forward to seeing how it all translates on screen.

Specially intrigued by how you’ll pull off the opening scenes:

-Insert Nasa blue planet clip
-Add Rey meditation scene
-Create new scene with Leia talking to Luke about Reys training
-Cut to Luke from TLJ night scene
-Insert Lukes death scene from TLJ (switch day to night fx)

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

I’m digging the cut list. looking forward to seeing how it all translates on screen.

Specially intriguing by how you’ll pull this off

-Insert Nasa blue planet clip
-Add Rey meditation scene
-Create new scene with Leia talking to Luke about Reys training
-Cut to Luke from TLJ night scene
Insert Lukes death scene from TLJ (switch day to night fx)

I’ve got various Nasa planet clips I wanna use and I may even change the forest clip I’ve already finished as I think it needs a more sunset warm coloration.

Leia & Luke scene is so emotional! I thought Leia was a little defeatist at the end of TLJ so I’ve taken parts from that talk and recreated something new. It’s really beautiful, IMO. Just need someone to help with the day to night fx as I’m colourblind and it’s tricky to get right.

I’m thinking of releasing a rough cut and asking for help in my next video. What do you think? Glad you like the list so far though.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh