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Date created
7-Oct-2004, 2:56 PM
Hmm by that logic we should have not invaded Germany after Pearl Harbor. Japan invaded us not Germany. However we recognized that Hitlar was just as great a threat. Ok saying Saddam was as bad as Hitlar is going too far. But he had the same basic mantality to a far less extreme level. The world is better off today that Saddam is in jail. 3000 people were killed and when it happened I was so glad Al Gore was not President of the United States. I am glad we have a president who is willing to take it too them and not sit there and wait to be attacked again. Strange how liberals are for killing innocent babies but against killing convicted murderers. Saddam killed far far more of his own people then Bush did. The Iraqi people want to be free and I am sure they are mostly just as happy as I am that Saddam Hussaine is out of there lives. Sure some innocent people died but that happens in every war. Its a sad fact of life but something liberals have to unfortunitly accept. Nothing can get accomplished if we think like that. Someone won't benefit from everything no matter how good it is but in the long run society is better for it.