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Post #1344190

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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread
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Date created
12-May-2020, 3:51 AM

Delpheas said:

idir_hh said:

jonh said:

What if kylo finds the wayfinder in coruscant? Instead of mustafar … In the jedi temple

According to the Rise of Skywalker concept art that was JJ’s original intention.

You and skenera put out some really cool shots of Coruscant that would be great for this.

Since the Mustafar stuff is such short scenes anyway, could that Coruscant concept art somehow be used to replace the mustafar scenery? So after staring at the Jedi temple from that cool ass mothership and possiblly communing with the broken vader mask, we get a shot of Kylo walking into the temple, it’s in ruins of course, and find the wayfinder there.

If so, it would be, along with making Ajin Kloss into Naboo, a great way to give the worldbuilding of the prequels an actual presence and help further establish the idea that this film is an ending to the previous 8 movies, not just the previous 5.

That was my one of biggest issues with TRoS, after JJ talked about it being an ending to the whole saga, to everything that came before, there was almost nothing in the film that recognisably tied it to the PT. No Anakin ghost (fixed thanks to jonh, amazing work btw), no recognisable PT planets, the only thing we got was the blink and you miss it communing with the jedi scene where I couldn’t hear who was talking to Rey in the theater.

We’ll fix it! 😃

for now I’m going to fix luke’s horrible hair