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Input Wanted: Rise of Skywalker Fanedit Preferences Poll — Page 2


I would just make it Jedha rather than a new Sith world (we already have one with Exegol). I like the idea of them heading toward Jedha, expecting a wasteland, but then see people living, thriving, actually being happy, in the aftermath of the end of the world. Maybe they’re just pilgrims, not living there necessarily. But it ties into this film’s theme of healing wounds.

Also, they say they’re going to the Forbidden Valley on Pasana, so it would make since that a Forbidden Valley on Jedha might have some ties with the Sith. Also, if Ochi is a Jedi Hunter, it makes sense to go to a Jedi world to find something important.


There’s a few questions I think are lacking some true facts options:

Somehow, Palpatine returned. How though?

It really depends on the goal of the fanedit. There are plenty of hypothetical fanedits where cutting him out would work, and some fanedits where he’d have to be there. I don’t think, in a fanediting sense, there is a correct or incorrect answer.

Why is Rey so powerful?

The Force is a spiritual concept and you get powerful in the Force through the right mindset. It’s not like a workout regimen. For example, all of Luke’s training in the Original Trilogy is mental exercises. All of it. Rey starts out TFA sort of where Luke is in the middle of ESB, mind-set wise. I mean, it takes most of ANH before Luke even believes the Force exists, until the end of the movie until he has any sort of faith in it, and until the end of ESB until he has to rely on it. Rey starts out TFA already believing the legends of the Jedi and the Rebellion and yaddah yaddah yaddah, basically putting her where Luke is. However, this also means she has some stupid ideas about the Force, which she starts to get wringed out of her in TLJ (although this isn’t followed through in TRoS).

Beyond that, she’s not really exceptionally powerful.

Which force ghosts (or other people) does Rey see at the end when she’s asked 'Rey who?'

I’d cut that interaction out entirely, or at the very least cut that aspect out.

Palpatine has been “every voice in Kylo’s head”?

I’d also cut that out. It doesn’t really go anywhere, which sucks because I was pumped when that line was in the trailer.

Should the concept of Force Teleport-a-lightsaber-to-your-friend be introduced to allow Rey to teleport her lightsaber to Kylo?

The Last Jedi implies that it’s not a completely unique thing for two people to be Force Skyping. It’s novel enough that Kylo is confused about it, but not novel enough that he’s completely bewildered. He works some stuff out. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a dyad thing.

Palpatine can force lightning a whole fleet?

Can or should? I think he can but I don’t think he should. Kind of makes that happy victory scene a lot more sour.

The final resting place of the Second Death Star doesn’t look much like the forest moon of Endor, does it?

The first answer kind of makes the second answer objectively wrong. The question probably should be more about whether it should be Endor, not whether it is Endor.

Rey “kills” Chewie with lightning!

Probably the most common opinion on this one is that she should still think she killed Chewie, but we don’t learn that isn’t true until she does too. Weird that’s not an option.

Leia dies to distract Kylo Ren so Rey can stab him!

What I thought happened was that Rey killed Leia. Were I to make a fanedit of TRoS, I’d do that.

Kylo has a memory of Han Solo which encourages him to reclaim his identity as Ben Solo?

I want to make Han an actual Force Ghost. I don’t give a damn that it contradicts the prequels.

Rey builds a gold lightsaber for herself at the end!

Green god damn it

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


It could have been so much better if Pasaana was Jedha fromt the beginning. At surface level they look exactly the same since they reutilized shooting locations (guess it’s a Disney thing, because I recognized the cliffs of Jedha in Aladdin too). It would make sense for Luke to go searching on a Force-attuned world, and for it to have a place known as “Forbidden desert”. And I believe someone already mentioned this long ago in another thread, but one could pretend that asteroid ring where the heroes hide after the Pasaana events is a result of the Jedha cataclysm years ago.

Shame it would be difficult to pull it off due to Pasaana being name-dropped several times in the film. But I really dig subtly turning Ajan Kloss into Naboo. Having the first and last movie set on that planet is a Lucas-level rhyme 😄


55 Responses already! Thank you all so much! I was thinking about posting this elsewhere to be sure to get good coverage but I think I’d much rather have input exclusively from existing members of this community, so such a high number is amazing. There are some REALLY interesting answers here, including a couple of places where I reckon there’s a good steer towards brand new ideas which are probably feasible - I’ll post up analysis sometime this weekend.

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


Knight of Kalee said:

It could have been so much better if Pasaana was Jedha fromt the beginning. At surface level they look exactly the same since they reutilized shooting locations (guess it’s a Disney thing, because I recognized the cliffs of Jedha in Aladdin too).

So this actually reminds me of a few fun facts/stories!

Firstly, it’s not so much that it’s a Disney thing, as that Wadi Rum in Jordan is a popular filming location in general. Jordan is one of the most westernised countries in the middle east, with good infrastructure, and the Wadi Rum desert is quite accessible and with a lot of lovely hotels nearby. So it’s a good natural choice for an alien-looking landscape on Earth.

Now for the stories!

I’ve actually been to Wadi Rum, and Jordan. (Fun fact - the Dead Sea is as amazingly floaty as everyone says, you can’t quite imagine it, but the one thing that’s universal about floating in the Dead Sea but that nobody talks about is that all that salt really stings your butthole.)

The Wadi Rum desert is absolutely as incredible as it looks on film. Absolutely majestic landscape, but I also had one of the most horrifying times of my life there. We were camping out in the desert in some little lean-to shacks, without electricity or plumbing (since it’s illegal to develop on the desert, in order to preserve it). I was, ironically enough given why I’m telling this story, sleeping in a bed with a Mickey Mouse duvet (that’s all they had). But the food had disagreed with me.

So I woke up in the night knowing I needed to make it to the toilet block quickly, but also aware that the cooler night is when the desert bugs are more active. And there’s no electricity. So there’s me, walking across this informal compound by candlelight under the stars, jumping at shadows, desperately trying to hold in the shits. Eventually I make it to the toilet block, get seated, shit my guts out, and then I have to wipe my arse and just put my toilet paper in a basket next to me, because you’re not allowed to flush stuff into the desert.

It gets worse. So there’s me, feeling pretty rotten on a natty toilet by candlelight in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere, when I hear a helicopter. Weird. The noise makes me raise my eyes to the top of the doorframe, and I see it’s not a helicopter, it’s a hornet, more than an inch long, and it’s come to check me out. I’ve got my pants round my ankles, and no way am I making any movements. There’s no escaping. But since I’m operating by candlelight, there’s a real chance that my candle will burn out, leaving me to navigate out of this situation by starlight alone. The hornet is helicoptering around the cubicle, which draws my eyes even higher, which makes me notice the most evil looking spider I’ve ever seen was hanging over the cubicle door the whole time. It’s shiny black and about an inch and a half across, with sharp, well-defined legs that end with about half an inch of white spike. It looks designed to look evil.

Suffice to say, if I hadn’t already shit myself that certainly would have done the job. Eventually the hornet left, and I slowly dressed up and got out by the last of my candlelight. I helped myself to a coke, since that was the other option and I didn’t trust the water, so I stayed awake through the rest of the night absolutely harrowed by that experience.

Still, a lovely place and a great holiday and I’d recommend Jordan to anyone.

I’ve also, by chance, been to Luke’s house too. Family did a Tunisia trip around 2012 and one of the tours from our hotel was the Star Wars one. So I got to see the “scum and villainy” view, Mos Eisley exterior set (which still stands), Luke’s house exterior (which is someone’s real house), and Luke’s house interior (which is someone’s real house but different from the exterior), where I got to eat at his dining table under that white and brown patterned ceiling.

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


Holy shit Eddie that is awesome and horrifying at the same time. (You’re a fun storyteller by the way! I could vividly imagine that uncomfortable situation.)


EddieDean said:

55 Responses already! Thank you all so much! I was thinking about posting this elsewhere to be sure to get good coverage but I think I’d much rather have input exclusively from existing members of this community, so such a high number is amazing. There are some REALLY interesting answers here, including a couple of places where I reckon there’s a good steer towards brand new ideas which are probably feasible - I’ll post up analysis sometime this weekend.

Nice! Looking forward to seeing the analysis. That was a lot of fun for me to fill out! I hope the gold and purple sabers get a lot of votes!!

Awesome story about your experience in Jordan, by the way! I agree with the poster above. You’re a great storyteller!



I kinda what save the other one for other people to guess, but I’m curious. Is the other 50/50 split regarding “Rey Skywalker”?


Interesting! I wasn’t expecting that. I can understand that, although I think it would be challenging to remove that from the film. But I guess we can discuss what is feasible and infeasible once you have your analysis written up!


There are a lot of things in TRoS (and TFA) that connect to old Legends stories; Sheev being able to lightning a fleet, Sheev returning as a clone, Luke’s nephew turning to the Dark Side and killing his fellow Jedi in part because of Vader’s shadow, Sheev having an extremely powerful grandchild, Luke’s female Jedi student (Rey/Jaina) having to kill the fallen male student (Ben/Jacen) who she has a strong bond with, a large fleet built by the Empire and secreted away as a contingency plan, Chewbacca (almost) dying.

The problem is put them all together and they add up to one too many, Sheev lightning the fleet is that one for me.

My Edits:
Revenge of the Sith: Refocused Available

The Clone Wars Refocused: The Chosen One (Mortis Episode)


I get that, but if you remove Palpatine’s lightning storm, then you also have to remove Rey’s “be with me” moment. You’d just have to cut a lot out to get rid of it.