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Post #1342110

Hal 9000
Parent topic
The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)
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Date created
7-May-2020, 7:45 AM

If the Falcon chess scene is moved to the end of the movie, it gives something of a tangle with Klaud.

Either the earlier scene begins with “hey Klaud hows that air conditioner coming,” or with the better starting point of Poe in the cockpit directing things. The shot of the Falcon heading toward the iceberg could be extended to serve as the longer, take a breath establishing shot that the hyperspace shot used to provide. Without that initial intro of Klaud or his continued presence in the lightspeed skipping sequence which I will not feature, he’d be too weird to have just in what’s left. I guess he could still appear at the end as a weird rando for Merry to hug, though.

Since krausfadr has removed Klaud anyway, that material can be used to just cleanly remove him.

JEDIT: Sorry, looks like krausfadr removed him via editing rather than FX. I know there’s someone out there who has, so perhaps that could be obtained.