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Post #1341793

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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)
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Date created
6-May-2020, 4:25 PM

szopman said:

HAL, are you planning maybe to do something with the Fleet in this edit? Like, make it not being planet destroying. Or change it into an old sith Fleet of something?

And If I understand correctly, you are gonna keep the kiss moment, arent you?

Regarding the planet destroying power of the fleet: I think cutting it should be possible since the only demonstration of the power happens on Kijimi, right? Maybe the fleet has the power to destroy whole cities, but not whole planets, so only the last shot of the exploding planet would need to be cut.

And of course the following dialoge mentions the new power of the fleet. One solution might be to replace the word “planet” in Poe’s sentence, that every ship on the fleet “… has planet-killing powers” with maybe “city”? Or cut the sentence completely, but that might be hard to pull off, since the dialoge jumps so fast between the characters.

The following radio broadcast from the First Order should work nonetheless, because if the First Order has a whole fleet even with city destroying powers it might not be too far off to claim the end of the Resistance. But the payoff would be, that they don’t have a fleet full of little death stars, which in my opinion was pretty ridiculous to begin with.