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Post #1341292

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The Rise Of Skywalker — Official Review and Opinions Thread
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Date created
5-May-2020, 4:00 PM

DominicCobb said:

Nothing will ever be worse than AOTC.

TROS is worse for me. At least AOTC had some interesting concepts underneath the horrible execution. TROS for me is the answer to the question, what if Michael Bay made a Star Wars film? It’s a quest for the McGuffin, that leads to translating the McGuffin, that leads to another McGuffin, that leads to the big bad, whose only weakness is to cross the streams like in Ghostbusters (only this trick was actually properly set up in Ghostbusters). Who knew two lightsabers would be kryptonite to a Sith Lord? It would be one thing, if the McGuffin quest was actually good, but it’s all so terribly executed, and all those fake deaths? Ugh…