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Post #1340697

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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)
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Date created
4-May-2020, 1:25 PM

EddieDean, I liked The Last Jedi and all of its unexpected directions. I had no real problem with Holdo (other than that actress being slightly annoying). Though I understand why people would rather have had Akbar conduct the Holdo maneuver. Still, when Holdo split the Star Destroyer in half, I though it was awesome. Like Kylo Ren, I’m ok with letting the past die, so I have no hard-on for Ackbar or other talking crustaceans.

EDIT: Also the way the actor who played Ackbar was treated on set was pretty shitty. So while Rian did a good job, I prefer Poppasketti’s version taking away the iron joke and the other things that show how out of touch Rian was.