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Post #1339901

Anakin Starkiller
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Unusual Sequel Trilogy Radical Redux Ideas Thread
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Date created
2-May-2020, 1:39 PM

You know what would make these films feel less OT derivative? Replacing much of OT music with PT music! It would make the Saga feel more unified. Maybe Palpatine’s Sith choir can recite a portion of Duel of the Fates. There could be a hint of Battle of the Heroes in the Death Star since they sorta mirror each other in a fire and water kinda way. Across the Stars could play when Ben and Rey kiss. Kamino’s theme as the camera passes the jar of Snokes (btw, why is that theme there when Palpatine sucks Ben and Rey’s lifeforce?). Of course these only apply to TRoS, but I’m sure there’s some you could use for the other two films. Oh, I know! I’m So Sorry could play as Rey refuses to take Kylo’s hand in TLJ. In fact, I think I’ll got put that together right now, see how it looks.