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Post #1339178

Shopping Maul
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Return Of The Jedi - a general Random Thoughts thread
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Date created
30-Apr-2020, 3:09 AM

ray_afraid said:

SilverWook said:

ray_afraid said:

Another point, the Rebels didn’t even know Luke was on the Death Star. The only one he told was Leia.
Who’s he having to explain himself too?

Surely, these guys asked where Luke got off to?

I dunno. I’ve never heard a grunt ask brass where a commander went. If they did, She could have told them he was on a secret mission or any such junk if she thought they’d get upset with the truth.
Which they wouldn’t & it continues to be a silly agrument.

I think you might be missing my point. The reason I gave the Ewok party example was to illustrate exactly what Luke did rather than the ‘meta’ of what Luke did. Everyone seems to just accept that he defeated the Empire by redeeming Anakin which in turn killed Palpatine - and that would work had it been better written IMO. What Luke actually did was focus entirely on Anakin’s redemption. He had no intention of defeating Palpatine. This is explicit in the dialogue. Between this and the strange notion that any aggressive retaliation is supposedly a path to eternal darkness, what we see is a rather redundant Jedi. He can’t fight and his biggest concern is a family/spiritual matter. Palpatine is only killed as a by-product of Luke’s actions, not as a direct or intended consequence. And ironically if the whole thing had taken ten minutes longer, all three (Vader, Luke, Palps) would’ve blown up with the Death Star and no-one would’ve been any the wiser.

I’ve said this before but a simple dialogue tweak would fix this. If Luke had said to Leia “I have to turn myself in, I’m endangering the mission. The Sith can feel my presence and know that we’re here. I’ll allow myself to be captured - Vader will take me to the Emperor himself and I will make sure he’s on the Death Star when the attack is launched”.

That right there is the kind of Jedi we can admire. This would be Luke sacrificing himself for the cause, for justice, not just because he’s suddenly decided that Dad deserves a break. The scene could still play out as it did in the film (still not keen on the ‘no violence whatsoever’ thing but anyway…) and Vader could earn his sainthood - but Luke would absolutely be the ‘hope’ everyone had invested in for two movies.