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Post #1338619

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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)
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Date created
28-Apr-2020, 3:00 AM

jarbear said:

Jonh, you rock! I am really, really liking the direction you are going. For your “force sheild” I would try to simply add a slight glow to Rey instead of a shield like thing. Keep if fairly subtle, since the next shots of Yoda and Obi-Wan really sell the idea of them assisting.

Heck, the next scene when she redirects the lighting can show either or both Anakin and Luke doing the same gesture as Yoda and Obi-Wan could be really cool.

Using that with the combination of Purple Leia Lightsaber and the force ghosts is just too good to be true. Please continue your great work.

Next, Anakin/luke ,that’s exactly the idea, but I haven’t done it yet