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Post #1338331

Hal 9000
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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread
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Date created
26-Apr-2020, 11:12 PM

Wow, hmm. That’d have been a great idea in the writing phase, while keeping most else about the movie as is.

And, RogueLeader, yes! That sounds very plausible to accomplish (easy for me to say), and fills in a much needed gap. In the theater I quipped to my brother that Mace Windu should have grabbed a second lightsaber and ended it right then. As if that was the mistake.

Letting the Skywalkers band together to do Palpatine in would feel better and tie into the ending and title. If Rey is basically on a journey to wrap up the Skywalker story rather than really further her own, as seems inescapable, this at least makes something of this scene.

Man, give Daisey a post-TROS Disney+ series. Continue the story, because the sequel trilogy now feels like it was all setting something up, not concluding what came before. If they’re deliberate about moving beyond the Skywalker stuff, let Rey’s story keep going. And we could probably craft a fake Episodes X, XI, and XII out of it.