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Post #1338321

Hal 9000
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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread
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Date created
26-Apr-2020, 10:27 PM

jarbear said:

Here’s a question (from the color blind guy)

As for Palps getting electrocuted (again) but this time explodes … I was thinking, what if the lighting going BACK to him is a different color, maybe purple? White?


Though it is still kinda lame, in a sense, that Palps AGAIN gets defeated by his own lighting. But what if it was more “special” … or maybe Jedi-powered. Using Jonh’s force ghosts being introduced, the view COULD assume it was being returned with more of a Jedi Ghost finisher. I don’t know if that sounds lame or anything … but it would be neat to try and add some more depth to this final battle then Palps getting zapped by his own lighting. Again.

I like it. Or the room could go dark and then reveal he was nonexistent the whole time!

Well… no.

Oh, what about slightly yellow? If Rey’s lightning that kills Chewbacca were yellowish, then the Palpy killing lightning is yellowish, her yellow saber would signify an integration of her inner darkness while distancing herself from what was written as a link to Palpatine.

(And we still need that slight crackle between his fingertips in the opening sequence removed. Not because it’s technically a problem, but I can’t help but feel it’s there to link hand lightning with Palpatine’s subtly before we see Rey use it later.)