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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 62


I love how an alien with literally no hands played the mechanic role aboard the Falcon when we already had a perfectly good mechanic character introduced in the last film.


RogueLeader said:

I love how an alien with literally no hands played the mechanic role aboard the Falcon when we already had a perfectly good mechanic character introduced in the last film.

Yeah but that character RUINED Star Wars.

It almost does feel like they were saying ‘literally anything would be better than Rose.’ It’s pretty fucked. There’s no acceptable answer for her role in the film.


Yeah, fuck Klaud actually.

He tickles me on an animalistic level, but him, DO, Greg Grunberg, and Merry being so prominent over the heart of the last film makes me sad. I honestly really loved Rose’s character.

Klaud deserved a better movie, at least.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


I agree on Dominic Monaghan cause he just felt so out of place to me, but I was missing Greg Grunberg as Snap in TLJ along with other pilots from TFA that just didn’t return for whatever reason.


Dominic Monaghan’s character (did he even have a name?) really only existed to replace Rose. You can’t convince me otherwise.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


The shitty thing is that no matter what we can change or alter with this film, there’s no way we can really give Rose more of a presence, without any deleted scenes. Rose goes from a prominent character with her own theme in the last film, to a background extra in the last film.

But… this conversation did give me an idea for one small change. For awhile I’ve had this idea of altering the scene between Finn and Jannah, and replace a part of Finn’s schpiel about the Force to something about joining the fight. Basically, we want to get the idea across that Finn is recruiting Jannah to join the cause by sharing how he had his own change of heart in the last two films. It would be nice if we could rescore the last half of that scene, and replace the overused Force motif with Rose’s theme, instead. So the conversation would go something like:

Finn: The Force. The Force brought me here. Brought me to Rey and Poe. We need to stop the First Order. I wasn’t sure then, but I am now.

Maybe you could change it some more, but if you can change the context of the scene to make it seem like Finn is convincing Jannah to stop hiding on Endor and join the fight, with Rose’s theme playing over it, we can feel Rose’s presence and impact on the story more, even if she doesn’t have much screen time herself.

Here is that scene for reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jRscLcf3bA


Adding Rose’s theme to such a moment is brilliant. I’ve been trying to think of ways to do a dialogue change along those lines too.

Another thought occurred to me. There’s so many ways this movie could have done right by Rose, one of the ones I always thought would have been easy for them to do was when they’re trying to fix the Falcon’s landing gear have Finn say “Where’s Rose when you need her.” No idea if there’s any Boyega lines to accomplish this.


Haha, that would be a great line to throw in there! I think it would be nice to go through the movies and see what dialogue might be usable for this moment. I think, at the very least if we had some variation of a ‘joining the fight’ line, it would be enough to get that idea across. If anyone has any ideas or leads, that would be welcome.

Something like:
We have to fight.
We need to stop the First Order.


You know, someone once said you could add Rose to the party and no one would notice she’s not doing anything because Rey’s the only one with anything to do. By that logic, maybe we could just rotoscope her into some shots to imply she’s there. Probably still a lot of work, though.


A lot of work, plus you would lose scenes where she actually has lines, like the “be optimistic” scene.


NFBisms said:

Why do so many editors want to remove Klaud? Poor Klaud.

myooo ha ha ha. I removed almost every trace of him. The only spot I couldn’t get is you can see his fins while Poe briefs the Resistance just before invading Exegol. But you never ever see Klaud’s face! Enjoy his fins in my edit though. 😃

heil Palpatine!


It’s kind of weird how we never find out how Kylo Ren finds out about the concept of a Dyad in the Force. When he first says it to Rey, I thought it might just be a figure of speech, but then when Palpatine says it again in the climax, it definitely seems like the Dyad is something special, like the Chosen One.

It’s really too bad we didn’t get the Oracle scene, because it would’ve been a great way for Kylo to learn about it independently of Palpatine’s influence, since Palpatine didn’t know about it until they both were in front of him. Since it was called the Oracle, it would’ve been cool if it had been the source of not only the Dyad concept, but the Chosen One prophecy.

The only other way I can think of seeding the idea earlier in the film is if Kylo hears himself say “a Dyad in the Force” during one of his visions. It can’t be when he touches Vader’s helmet, though, since it has a connection with Palpatine (who doesn’t know about the dyad). Maybe he could have a vision when he touches the Wayfinder that could hint at the Dyad.

Maybe you could edit the film to make it seem like Palpatine knows, and told Kylo about it at the beginning of the film. So you would cut Kylo’s line, “What Palpatine doesn’t know…” but keep “We’re a Dyad in the Force, Rey.” But I haven’t seen an edit yet where Palpatine doesn’t seem surprised by the power of their bond during the climax, so I don’t know if that would work.


When the dyad show up you could have Palpatine say “Your coming together will be your undoing” from the trailer and have him immediately suck the life out of them, springing the trap he set up at the start of the film.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


I had thought about that line, but I don’t know even you can even get an isolated version of that line.

“Your coming together will be your undoing… in about 5 seconds…”

The thing is, if Palpatine knows, would he tell Kylo to bring Rey to him instead of killing her? And if you make that change, how do you differentiate Kylo’s goals from Palpatine’s? Kylo also wants Rey to come with him to face Palpatine, so the distinction is pretty muddy.

Maybe if you made Kylo’s motivation be to prevent Rey from reaching Palpatine, because Kylo knows Palpatine likely has some trick for them up his sleeve.

So change Palpatine’s line to something like, “Bring the girl.”

Then later, Kylo: Palpatine wants you… but I have other plans.

Kylo: We’re a Dyad in the Force, Rey. Two that are one. We’ll destroy the Sith, and take the throne.
(Palpatine wants to be killed, so Kylo’s like could be more ambiguous to imply that they’ll find a way to destroy him for good)

Then later you cut Kylo’s line, “The only way you’re getting to Exegol is with me.” Because he doesn’t want Rey to go to Exegol. He just destroys the Wayfinder without saying anything.


So in this hypothetical version, Palpatine is dying, all this time he has been grooming Kylo and Rey, a prophesiced Dyad, to inherit the throne after his death. Palps gives the rundown to Kylo but he knows that there has to be a catch, he plays along but plans to kill him together with Rey. I think the dynamic between Kylo and Palps has to change, Palps will play the act of a weak, harmless old man, like the good old days with Anakin. Make Kylo less hostile, rather more intrigued. I’m working on a mockup that will go something like this:

  • At last! My boy.
  • Snoke trained you well.
  • I killed Snoke.
  • I made Snoke. I have been the voice inside your head.
  • The first Order was just the beginning, I will give you so much more.
  • You’ll die first.
  • I have died before, now I don’t have long, I’m weak - more than a clone, less than a man.
  • What could you give me ?
  • Everything - a new Empire, the might of the final order will soon be ready, It will be yours if you do what I ask.
  • Become what your grand father Vader could not! Find the girl, Turn her and bring her before me. Together you will rule the galaxy as emperor and empress. Two that become one. A dyad of the dark-side of the force.
  • Who is she ?
  • Our blood. (just my crazy headcanon)

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

So in this hypothetical version, Palpatine is dying, all this time he has been grooming Kylo and Rey, a prophecised Dyad, to inherit the throne. Palps gives the rundown to Kylo but he knows that there has to be a catch, he plays along and plans to kill him together with Rey.

In the words of <Lady sitting next to Hux at that one meeting>, I like it.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


idir_hh said:

When the dyad show up you could have Palpatine say “Your coming together will be your undoing” from the trailer and have him immediately suck the life out of them, springing the trap he set up at the start of the film.

Totally down for this. Love the idea of using the few alternate lines of dialogue we have access to, to rework the narrative on screen.


idir_hh said:

So in this hypothetical version, Palpatine is dying, all this time he has been grooming Kylo and Rey, a prophesiced Dyad, to inherit the throne after his death. Palps gives the rundown to Kylo but he knows that there has to be a catch, he plays along and plans to kill him together with Rey. I think the dynamic between Kylo and Palps has to change, Palps will play the act of a weak, harmless old man, like the good old days with Anakin. Make Kylo less hostile, rather more intrigued. I’m working on a mockup that will go something like this:

  • At last! My boy.
  • Snoke trained you well.
  • I killed Snoke.
  • I made Snoke. I have been the voice inside your head.
  • The first Order was just the beginning, I will give you so much more.
  • You’ll die first.
  • I have died before, now I don’t have long, I’m weak - more than a clone, less than a man.
  • What could you give me ?
  • Everything - a new Empire, the might of the final order will soon be ready, It will be yours if you do what I ask.
  • Become what your grand father Vader could not! Find the girl, Turn her and bring her before me. Together you will rule the galaxy as emperor and empress. Two that become one. A dyad of the dark-side of the force.
  • Who is she ?
  • Our blood. (just my crazy headcanon)

It sounds great, at least on paper. This extra/modified dialogue exchange really makes the pieces fit better. I like reframing the relationship between Palps, Kylo and Rey, resolves the contradictions in Palpatine’s plan, and what’s even better, it establishes the concept of the Dyad from the beginning.


RogueLeader said:

The shitty thing is that no matter what we can change or alter with this film, there’s no way we can really give Rose more of a presence, without any deleted scenes. Rose goes from a prominent character with her own theme in the last film, to a background extra in the last film.

'Tis why someone’s gotta hack into LucasFilm’s data banks.

Who wants to volunteer?


Why hack when their security is probably the thinnest it’ll ever be due to quarantine?

For legal purposes, that’s a joke.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


Operation Rogue One anyone?

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Over 90 brand-new unit photography photographs from The Rise of Skywalker. Some shots from deleted/alternate scenes…

https://www.starwarsauthentics.com/iSynApp/allProduct.action?fsList[0].strValue1=caf_movietitlePhotos_s&fsList[0].strValue2=Star Wars%3A The Rise Of Skywalker&isynsharedsession=cQMbhwMQj6eByX9x1KZCrIGsD85eUbSa-lDQJMK2v9dEdaSACl02r4aCDzYhNvUm&pgmode1=catpage&pgmode2=&qMode=&rc=36&selectedCatId=20601&sid=1102083&sort=createts_desc

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Thanks for sharing those!

I know some people were hoping to see Luke’s spirit in contact with, or haunting, Kylo in the film, since TLJ sort of hints at it. It’s possible we could have Kylo hear Luke’s voice, maybe, but it would be hard to create a scene where he actually sees him. But, I did have another potential idea for it.

What if we added a hint or two that hints at Luke being responsible for the vision Kylo has of Han? I wouldn’t want it to be super obvious, because I like the ambiguity of whether it is a vision or just in Kylo’s head, but I think it would actually work as a good pay off.

One of the last things Luke says to Kylo is, “Strike me down and I’ll always be with you, just like your father.” And then, his line, “See you around, kid.” Definitely harkens to Han, since he called both Luke and Ben “kid”. So even then Luke knew how much even referring to Han would influence Ben.

When Ben first hears Han say, “Hey, kid”, maybe you could overlay it with Luke saying, “Hey, kid”. Or the line could transition to Luke’s voice to Han’s. And maybe at the end, after Ben’s throws his saber away, when he turns back around, maybe he could hear Luke’s voice say something very quickly, or we could see a very faint glimmer of Luke’s force ghost disappearing just as he turns around. Like I said, I don’t think it necessarily should be super obvious, so you could just run with a few of these ideas, and not all of them perhaps. But I think this would be a good way for Luke to help Ben in his time of need.

Another cool thought about it is that if you did this, Luke would be helping Ben and Rey simultaneously, giving his guidance to both of them. And even though the scene is about Ben forgiving himself, I think if Luke was implied to be behind the apparition, then in a way Ben would be making amends with Luke, Han and Leia through this single conversation.