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Post #1336234

Cameron Samurai
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Doctor Who
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Date created
18-Apr-2020, 7:59 AM

Thought I’d drop by with a few thoughts

I don’t mind the Morbius Doctors inclusion or the lore alterations, but I also understand how deeply upsetting it is for many fans who have grown up with the show facing a change on this scale. It’s the most sizemic we’ve had since the publication of Lungbarrow. Some believe this will go away like the half-human thing did, but I don’t personally feel like there’s a point to decanonising something of this size. Better to embrace a new idea than hold on so tightly to lore that at one point, was also pulled out of nowhere to keep the show interesting.

Jodie unfortunately hasn’t been ‘owning it’ as The Doctor all season and I fail to see how anyone is getting the impression she is putting in an effort. She is a woefully unprepared actress and Jo Martin’s Ruth Doctor acted the socks off of her in comparison. The Doctor had very little authority in this series and felt too much like a victim of circumstances. Ruth’s Doctor was in far more control of a room and a situation that she was.