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Revenge of the Sith (The New Canon Cut) [ON HOLD INDEFINITELY] — Page 16


Yo! Mandalore sounds really natural. I think you’re set with that part.

I actually think “your padawan” fits less now, in comparison. Was that the best version of “padawan” you could find?
I’m guessing you may have already tried to have him say “Ahsoka”? I wonder if it would fit better, because of course we know who Ahsoka is, but it might feel weird for Obi-Wan to refer to Ahsoka as his padawan, because a hypothetical non-Clone Wars watcher might be like “wait, Anakin has a padawan?”
Plus, is she still technically his padawan? But people wouldn’t necessarily question it if he just said “Ahsoka”.

Don’t get me wrong, though, I think “your padawan” would still be more than great. Great work. Totally worth the effort so far, I think!


That was fantastic, just need some tuning up and you’re good to go.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


NFBisms said:

So just for fun, I edited the first 22 minutes of this into an episode of The Clone Wars:

I just very roughly frankenstein’d audio for the “recap” and it’s super compressed for the storage limit, but it’s not a serious thing anyway. Just a fun preview for the rest of the edit. It’ll be interesting if we could watch this seamlessly in between season 7 episode 9 and 10 when they come out.

I also have a new, experimental color graded vers available. PM for a link to that if you don’t have already have a link to the GDrive folder. (which I realized too late was a much more efficient way of storing the edit; about a dozen of you don’t have it)

That was amazing, sir! It truly felt like you injected a good dose of Clone Wars DNA into the film. My only suggestion, though minor, might be to cut back on some of the laughter heard outside the cockpits; it kinda sounds odd in places and just a tad repetitive. Otherwise, I can’t wait to see what you do with the rest of the film!



RogueLeader said:
I actually think “your padawan” fits less now, in comparison. Was that the best version of “padawan” you could find?
I’m guessing you may have already tried to have him say “Ahsoka”? I wonder if it would fit better, because of course we know who Ahsoka is, but it might feel weird for Obi-Wan to refer to Ahsoka as his padawan, because a hypothetical non-Clone Wars watcher might be like “wait, Anakin has a padawan?”
Plus, is she still technically his padawan? But people wouldn’t necessarily question it if he just said “Ahsoka”.

pfft plebs don’t even know about Jedi Master Yorp Adywan?

I toyed with a “your captain” I found from TCW, but that really didn’t work. And “Ahsoka” from JAT never sounds like Ewan, much less Ewan in this particular scene.

But Ewan says “padawan” like 3 times in Attack of the Clones, and that’s it for the trilogy. xP

So I’m stuck with that one instance of it, but I think I found a way to make it work?
Here’s another go at it: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rQ55sV6qLhA49hMVySz_NtvKiMWXtths/view?usp=sharing

(ignore the masking fuck-up towards the end, it’s a side effect of me extending a shot, I’ve fixed it in my editor)

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


Cool cool. It does sound better. So he is saying, “And your padawan, she has moved troops to Mandalore.” Right?


I’m really excited for the next version of this. Pretty much every idea that has been discussed for it sounds great. I love the “your Padawan” bit and what you’ve done to enhance Padme as a decisive character.

One major thing I think that needs to be addressed, in light of TCW S7E2 is Padme’s pregnancy.

Two aspects of it are the timeline, and her (lack of) knowledge that she’s carrying twins.

S7E2, part of the “Outer Rim Sieges” which has kept Anakin away “forever”, clearly shows a pregnant Padme. In the holo convo she knows she’s pregnant and their is no way Anakin doesn’t know at that point.

Their reunion scene at the top of RotS needs to lose Padme saying she’s pregnant and Anakin saying this is the happiest day of his life.

I would love to see an attempt to edit Natalie & Hayden’s lines, borrowing from other scenes, to have Anakin say “You’re trembling? How are the babies?”

And she can reply that they’re fine, that she’s trembling because she heard “whispers you had died.”

The “blinded by love” scene needs to lose the bit about going to naboo early to fit the new timeline.

This might be trickier cus Anakin & Padme say “the baby” a lot, but I think it is necessary because there is no freaking way that with all the tech she has access to that she doesn’t know she’s carrying twins.

And then in the scene in her apartment where they are discussing the consequences of the pregnancy Padme says “this baby will change everything. I doubt the queen will let me continue to serve as senator and if the Jedi council finds out you’re the father…”

This line, and every implication that Padme being an unmarried senator/single mother is taboo should go.

I think her line should be edited to something like this:
“This will change everything. If the Jedi Council finds out you’re the father…”

I can do some rough proof-of-concepts and try and upload them.

Have you toyed with adding back Anakin’s “Save Me!” When he’s burning?

Also, I actually would really love to see RotS cut into episodes of TCW 😃

And are you using Hal’s alternate ending?

My Edits:
Revenge of the Sith: Refocused Available

The Clone Wars Refocused: The Chosen One (Mortis Episode)


I don’t really think it’s necessary to have the pregnancy be known prior to the film, regardless of that scene. I easily believe Anakin looking at her face from the front just didn’t notice her belly. And the fact that they don’t know about the twins has always been weird, but I don’t really know if I’m interested in fixing that here. Maybe she just didn’t want to know, or maybe there’s no way to check without compromising the secret, idk. It’s not really in the goals of the edit, more effort than it’s worth, personally.

I would be interested in seeing the proofs of concept, though.

I actually toyed with Anakin saying “Kill me” but I decided against that or “save me.” Subtlety is good and Hayden shines when it comes to his face alone.

I won’t be using Hal’s alt ending since I’m not super convinced by it. It should be pretty easy to insert oneself though.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


Here’s my proof of concept for the Padme/Anakin Reunion and the the other scene: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1AKxAOQH81R-b88yyzAYFYrfbBdL7EUS5

It’s unfortunate, but when RotS was written it clearly took place over about six months from shortly after Padme found out she’s pregnant (usually this happens for twins after 6-8 weeks) to her being able to give birth to viable twins(who don’t need intensive care) 7-8 months of pregnancy at the earliest.

This has been changed in the new canon, where RotS now takes place over three days. In S7E2 the hologram of Padme shows a woman who is 4.5 to 5 months pregnant. RotS is still a few months off from the end of the Bad Batch arc, there is no way that Padme kept that big of a secret for 7-8 months.

So imo their conversations about the babies need to not sound like they are expecting her to be pregnant for months, and in the TE that is how they sound.

My Edits:
Revenge of the Sith: Refocused Available

The Clone Wars Refocused: The Chosen One (Mortis Episode)


If you don’t mind me chiming in, I don’t think Padmé being pregnant was really a big secret, and I don’t think her being pregnant and unmarried would’ve been seen as scandalous. What she is worried about is people finding out the father is a Jedi. That would be the scandal. If she had a baby with a normal citizen, the Queen nor the Senate would likely care, beyond general gossip. But being in a romantic relationship with a Jedi is not only against the Jedi code, but it is a clear conflict of interest in regards to the balance of power between the Senate and the Jedi.

As far as Anakin not noticing her baby bump, it is possible that it was just hard to notice through a blurry hologram… Or maybe he just thought she was gaining weight and didn’t want to mention it…


DominicCobb said:

ROTS was always written to only take place over about a week.

The novelization of the film gave it a 2-3 month period.

But let’s say it always was supposed to be 3-10 days. Padme really didn’t tell Anakin for 8-9 months that she was pregnant? The way they talk about “going early to naboo to get the baby’s room ready” is not what someone who’s giving birth in two weeks would say. It just doesn’t work based on how pregnancy maps out.

My Edits:
Revenge of the Sith: Refocused Available

The Clone Wars Refocused: The Chosen One (Mortis Episode)


Delpheas said:

DominicCobb said:

ROTS was always written to only take place over about a week.

The novelization of the film gave it a 2-3 month period.

But let’s say it always was supposed to be 3-10 days. Padme really didn’t tell Anakin for 8-9 months that she was pregnant? The way they talk about “going early to naboo to get the baby’s room ready” is not what someone who’s giving birth in two weeks would say. It just doesn’t work based on how pregnancy maps out.

I don’t remember that being part of the novelization.

Anakin’s been gone for months on the Outer Rim sieges. The passage of time is actually very easy to track in the film, it’s only a few days. I think we are meant to believe that the delivery is premature because Padme is dying (“We have to operate quickly if we are to save the twins”).


Delpheas said:
But let’s say it always was supposed to be 3-10 days. Padme really didn’t tell Anakin for 8-9 months that she was pregnant? The way they talk about “going early to naboo to get the baby’s room ready” is not what someone who’s giving birth in two weeks would say. It just doesn’t work based on how pregnancy maps out.

I don’t see why not. It’s news that would warrant being together in person, and Anakin has been in the Outer Rim sieges for months. Padme’s insistence on their responsibilities can even further explain why she wouldn’t tell him; so that he can stay focused on the war at hand.

Idk, it all works out for me. The problems with it are suspension of disbelief things, they don’t actually break continuity.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


Idk, it just strains credulity for me. I guess I can see Padme wanting time tell him, but putting it off each time they holo-Skype cus she doesn’t want to distract him. And talking it over more with my wife, the bit where Padme talks about losing their careers makes sense in terms of getting Anakin to stop worrying about her dying, and focus on surmountable problems.

The other issue for me then is, and this is way beyond the scope of the edit, that no matter how the timeline plays out, the babies would very premature and sickly, unable to cry, and in need of intensive care. I know it doesn’t really matter, but it annoys the hell out of me.

My Edits:
Revenge of the Sith: Refocused Available

The Clone Wars Refocused: The Chosen One (Mortis Episode)


Loving that this project is still up and kicking. I haven’t kept tabs in a while since I thought it was dead. I only have one minor criticism though, and that’s on the “your Padawan” line. It’s wonderfully edited but I feel it doesn’t fit as both of them are well aware that Ahsoka has distanced herself from the Jedi. Of course, you could argue it’s a force of habit on Obi’s part, but it feels a bit out of place imo.


Kaweebo said:

Loving that this project is still up and kicking. I haven’t kept tabs in a while since I thought it was dead. I only have one minor criticism though, and that’s on the “your Padawan” line. It’s wonderfully edited but I feel it doesn’t fit as both of them are well aware that Ahsoka has distanced herself from the Jedi. Of course, you could argue it’s a force of habit on Obi’s part, but it feels a bit out of place imo.

That really is something I can live with. It is absolutely necessary for a TCW cut of RotS to mention Ahsoka in some fashion. After everything it makes no sense for her to be completely left out. I think force of habit is a perfect explanation, I mean for the first few years of being on the council and being a master Kenobi kept referring to the rest of the council as “Master”, Anakin keeps referring to Obi-Wan as master until the very end.

My only other Ahsoka reference wish would be for Anakin to bring her up when gets appointed to the council. “What? Why? Is this because Ahsoka never finished her training?”

My Edits:
Revenge of the Sith: Refocused Available

The Clone Wars Refocused: The Chosen One (Mortis Episode)


Spoilers for Siege of Mandalore

The 2nd episode happens concurrently with Obi-wan’s interception of Grievous. So you’re right on the money with the line on the outer rim sieges.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


I’m so excited for the finished version of this. Every clip you share is better and better. The Ahsoka reference, your move of the Kashyyyk scene. It’s all great.

I really like the “Don’t you turn against me.” It really feels like something Lanter’s Anakin would say.

Though “Anakin please, face up to what you’ve done” still sounds off. And I miss Obi-Wan’s like about Anakin betraying Democracy. It feels important.

Might it be worth it to cut Padme’s “He knows” when talking to Anakin about how Obi-Wan cares about them? Anakin knows Obi-Wan knows as far back as Bad Batch episode 2. I could see it working with the line, the logic being something like Anakin is confirming that she knows Obi-Wan knows. Just curious.

My Edits:
Revenge of the Sith: Refocused Available

The Clone Wars Refocused: The Chosen One (Mortis Episode)


I’ve moved onto working towards exporting a full 1080p file (like I’ve been wanting to do for two years!), and I think that’s likely going to be the thing that gives me closure on this project. Because of that, there are still a lot of little kinks that I’ve just kind of let sit throughout every version that I want to fix before then.

And the fact TCW isn’t over yet also nags at me because with every episode there’s at least something I want to try - not to mention I’d just experiment whenever any new idea comes into my head anyway. (Honestly at the behest of literally anyone’s feedback too sometimes). I didn’t post updates on everything because things would change quite often.

I’ve essentially been using this project as my personal editing exercise - I have upwards of 30 versions on my hard drive which are full of subtle revisions. It’s not really worth uploading all of them, and a lot of the time the “latest version” I had uploaded wasn’t the latest version I would want to show someone after two days. Sometimes people would ask for a link and that’s when I would export whatever was on my timeline just for them.

So instead of maintaining that cycle, I’ve just kept anything offline for now so that I can try everything I want to post-TCW, and have something I can submit to FE. Don’t expect anything until after the show ends. I hope everyone gets it.

I’ll post more clips soon, just so I can get definitive feedback on whether to keep those in the edit or not.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


(spoilers for The Clone Wars)
The second Siege of Mandalore episode just confirmed the events of Episode III occur in a span of a few days, no more than a week. At the start of the episode, the Battle of Coruscant has finished and Kenobi is already assigned to Utapau. That probably means that Ahsoka is fighting Maul at the same time Obi-Wan is fighting Grievous and Palpatine is telling the truth to Anakin.

So it’s great to see that Obi-Wan mentioning Ahsoka during briefing scene is backed up by the canon.

Also, what was Ahsoka referring to when she said to Obi “Tell Anakin…”? If that Ahsoka-Anakin interaction becomes a factor in the third chapter, could it be hinted at somehow in the fan-edit?


I doubt we’re getting anything more from Anakin-Ahsoka, I can’t see where they’d insert it in the movie as is.

My Edits:
Revenge of the Sith: Refocused Available

The Clone Wars Refocused: The Chosen One (Mortis Episode)