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Revenge of the Sith (The New Canon Cut) [ON HOLD INDEFINITELY] — Page 15


Thanks to everyone who has given me feedback so far in private topics! I think when the new season of TCW ends, I’ll have a final version done. It’s now less about experimenting and doubling down on and polishing the decisions I’ve made that have worked for people.

So far the biggest things to fix:

  • “Roger roger” elevator bit. Make the quality drop less noticeable or just remove altogether. There’s enough banter and wit in the rest of the first act now that I don’t need it anymore?
  • Mixing audio better overall, but particularly in re-scored/radically edited scenes. Raising levels on Anakin/Padme conversation about lightsaber and timing the audio clips with the shots better.
  • Intro Kashyyk scene needs wipe and maybe some extending.
  • Reinstate some of Anakin’s attitude. Either in front of the council or only with Obi-Wan, but not in both.
  • Use some different shots of Anakin in Anakin confronting Palpatine scene.
  • Reinstate some of Palpatine’s orders to Vader, keep shot of him putting on hood.
  • Clean up vfx in final Mustafar sequence (Obi-Wan listening to Anakin, Anakin igniting first)
  • Re-add Qui Gonn voice.

I’m still open to feedback for the current version!

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


NFBisms said:

Thanks to everyone who has given me feedback so far in private topics! I think when the new season of TCW ends, I’ll have a final version done. It’s now less about experimenting and doubling down on and polishing the decisions I’ve made that have worked for people.

So far the biggest things to fix:

  • “Roger roger” elevator bit. Make the quality drop less noticeable or just remove altogether. There’s enough banter and wit in the rest of the first act now that I don’t need it anymore?
  • Mixing audio better overall, but particularly in re-scored/radically edited scenes. Raising levels on Anakin/Padme conversation about lightsaber and timing the audio clips with the shots better.
  • Intro Kashyyk scene needs wipe and maybe some extending.
  • Reinstate some of Anakin’s attitude. Either in front of the council or only with Obi-Wan, but not in both.
  • Use some different shots of Anakin in Anakin confronting Palpatine scene.
  • Reinstate some of Palpatine’s orders to Vader, keep shot of him putting on hood.
  • Clean up vfx in final Mustafar sequence (Obi-Wan listening to Anakin, Anakin igniting first)
  • Re-add Qui Gonn voice.

I’m still open to feedback for the current version!

Firstly, may I have a PM for the latest version please.

Secondly, entirely on you, but it might be worth having two versions in a similar way to Adywan’s ‘purest’ and ‘special’ editions, where one includes the additions from alternate sources (such as the videogame dialogue or the banter in the lift) and another solely uses the film (still with things like the force choke effects from TCW). One will still have the slightly noticeable change in quality but be able to present a much different version of the original film, and the second will be a more traditional modification of the film that will have wider appeal.

I don’t know how much work that’d be considering you’ve already made dozens of versions since you started and what scenes you’ve kept or if you’d even want to. I just know that, for me, I like seeing something entirely new, even if it’s not perfect.


Could I also have a link please?

“Star Wars has, and will always be a restaurant.”


Some of the detail in the background seems to be lost. Especially what looks like smoke.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


Found this version of vader’s scream on youtube and I thought it would be great for this edit, a comment remarked that it sounded like Anakins last bit of humanity leaving his body. https://youtu.be/LfGkPvfpjVY?t=16

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Would like a PM please!


So just for fun, I edited the first 22 minutes of this into an episode of The Clone Wars:

I just very roughly frankenstein’d audio for the “recap” and it’s super compressed for the storage limit, but it’s not a serious thing anyway. Just a fun preview for the rest of the edit. It’ll be interesting if we could watch this seamlessly in between season 7 episode 9 and 10 when they come out.

I also have a new, experimental color graded vers available. PM for a link to that if you don’t have already have a link to the GDrive folder. (which I realized too late was a much more efficient way of storing the edit; about a dozen of you don’t have it)

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


Wow. I’ve only watched the first few minutes so far but this is brilliant. It almost makes me want to see the whole movie (and maybe even Episode II) done same way!


Could I have a link please?


NFBisms said:

So just for fun, I edited the first 22 minutes of this into an episode of The Clone Wars:

I just very roughly frankenstein’d audio for the “recap” and it’s super compressed for the storage limit, but it’s not a serious thing anyway. Just a fun preview for the rest of the edit. It’ll be interesting if we could watch this seamlessly in between season 7 episode 9 and 10 when they come out.

It’s impressive just how well the whole rescue segment fits as an action packed episode of TCW. All the extra dialogue really fills it out as well. Though the added lines are still a lot quieter than the main dialogue.

Did you remove the section where Obi-Wan talks about Anakin carrying him ‘unconscious on his back’?

NFBisms said:

I also have a new, experimental color graded vers available. PM for a link to that if you don’t have already have a link to the GDrive folder. (which I realized too late was a much more efficient way of storing the edit; about a dozen of you don’t have it)

Can I have a link to the folder please. The previous links I’ve had have been direct to the clips in question not the main folder.


Hi does anyone have any earlier versions of the edit PM me if you do


I wonder If references to the siege of mandalore could be added in somewhere, maybe in the war room where Kenobi tells Anakin to be careful of his friend Palpatine.
“You missed the report on the outer-rim sieges, Saleucami has fallen etc…”

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


You can bet I already tried to find something for that a while ago. I toyed with replacing “Saleucami” with “Mandalore” or “Master Vos” with “your padawan” but it never sounded natural. If I can find appropriately toned clips of Ewan saying “Man”, “Da”, and “lore” it might work out better than JAT clips I tried using before. I just don’t know every line Ewan’s ever said in a movie like I do Hayden’s filmography since 2002. And with a similar accent to his Obi-Wan lines.

I’m watching Christopher Robin later today, so I’ll definitely give that idea another go. It really seems like something that should be discussed in light of the new episode.

Oh and for anyone with the link, the folder will be empty for a few days, as I put up a new revision in light of some really bad audio problems, and maybe whatever new changes I come up with.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


NFBisms said:

And with a similar accent to his Obi-Wan lines.

It would be an issue. Most things I’ve seen him in he’s either using his natural Scottish accent or an American one and not the English one he uses for Obi-Wan.

NFBisms said:

Oh and for anyone with the link, the folder will be empty for a few days, as I put up a new revision in light of some really bad audio problems, and maybe whatever new changes I come up with.

Ah that explains where it went earlier.


Here’s a quick mockup of the idea.

The problem I run into is that it kind of relies on us not knowing what the hell “Boz Pity” is in actual canon, (which I don’t to be frank) - we have to assume with its context that it’s like a part of Mandalore or something. Or that Ahsoka has finished up on Mandalore by this point and has sent some troops back to another front? Idk.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


That was seamless!
Problem is, I think Ashoka is on Mandalore during order 66 😕

Edit: Spoiler from the episode descriptions of the final 2 episodes of siege of Mandalore

Based on that I’d propose something more akin to this:
“You’ve missed the report on the Mandalore sieges, in short, they are going very well, Maul has fallen, and your padawan is moving troops back to the capital.”

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


If Order 66 is declared en route back to Coruscant, I don’t imagine Maul should be fallen yet, this early into RotS?

I really just need to change Boz Pity into something related to the Siege of Mandalore, or not at all if we can just assume Boz Pity is the name of some Mandalorian city or province that Ahsoka and the 501st have moved into. Even if that’s not what Boz Pity is canonically. “Sundari” - the Mandalorian capital Bo Katan and co. is sieging - has the same syllables as Boz Pity, so maybe I can change it to that.

It’s just a tiny detail in the grand scheme; explicitly referencing Ahsoka and what she’s doing is already way more than I imagined I would ever pull off.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


NFBisms said:
If Order 66 is declared en route back to Coruscant, I don’t imagine Maul should be fallen yet, this early into RotS?

I’m sure the Jedi would have been informed of his capture, I think it would be typical of them to say that “he has fallen”. You’re right though about the time frame of the events, I guess we can’t know for sure until the episodes release.

I really just need to change Boz Pity into something related to the Siege of Mandalore, or not at all if we can just assume Boz Pity is the name of some Mandalorian city or province that Ahsoka and the 501st have moved into. Even if that’s not what Boz Pity is canonically. “Sundari” - the Mandalorian capital Bo Katan and co. is sieging - has the same syllables as Boz Pity, so maybe I can change it to that.

That would work just as well.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


I think the Sundari idea is the best option. It probably would be easier to piece together than Mandalore. And you could be flexible about the pronunciation, so it could be like, “son-dar-ee” or “soon-da-ree”. That might give you more sound options to choose from. People in Star Wars don’t always pronounce things the same.


It’s clear you’ll have more story details to choose from once the season finale is released and we know how the Siege of Mandalore plays out. It’s becoming increasingly likely that TCW ends after Order 66.
But I’m fully onboard with referencing the events of Mandalore during the briefing scene, even if mentioning Maul by name could feel out-of-nowhere (though that didn’t stop Solo from showing him). Sundari seems the most plausible choice.


Hmm… I think it is partially hard to match because of the room ambience… What if he said something like “Death Watch”?

You could take Death from “Why do I get the feeling you’re going to be the death of me?” from AOTC, and Watch from “I’ll take the boy and watch over him” from the end of ROTS. It still might not fit though.