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Post #1335087

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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread
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Date created
13-Apr-2020, 4:26 AM

I think Nev handled that pretty well in his Starlight Project. For example, in his version of Rey trying to mind trick the guard, she briefly hears the Force whispers that we hear again later on Ahch-To. I think this helps imply that Rey is receiving some sort of guidance, which you could retroactively establish as the voices of the Jedi. She could hear them calling her to Anakin’s lightsaber (maybe even hearing Anakin’s voice specifically whispering “Rey…”). Then later they give her a little nudge to help her escape Starkiller Base, then guide her again later to the Jedi tree in TLJ. I wouldn’t want to overuse them but I think they could fit in a few places.

It’s like she can feel what they’re trying to communicate, but she needs training to be able to hear them clearly, which is what she is trying to do when we meet back up with her in IX. At the end of the film, when she starts saying “Be with me” again, we can hear the Force whispers transition into the distinct voices of the Jedi that have been guiding her all along.

This set up would also create some interesting parallels between Rey and Joan of Arc.

The story of how Jeanne found her sword is perhaps the most intriguing connection to her sword. According to her own words, her voices instructed her as to its whereabouts behind the altar at the church of Saint Catherine.