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Post #1334704

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Harmy's STAR WARS Respecialized Edition '97 - AVCHD and MKV Released
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Date created
11-Apr-2020, 1:39 PM

Jamesleaf said:

Okay, I have searched and searched for this, but am unable to locate it. Any chance anyone could help me out?
Big fan of these. My favourite edits have to be despecialized or Hal9000’s custom SE (can’t wait for ROTJ), but my nostalgia brain is desperate for a link to this.

I found it through a torrent just a few days ago myself. It take take a bit of time to download it completely (as the one who was seeding it wasn’t always online) but I eventually got it.

I’m a big fan of Harmy’s restoration of the original Star Wars. But having the 1997 version of the movie is a real treat, especially considering that when they were released theatrically, it was a chance to watch the OT on the big screen for those who missed it the first time around, albeit in altered form. I myself saw ESB and ROTJ in the theater when I was a kid, but never Ep. 4. When the Special Edition came out, I remember watching it at midnight on opening night and the movie theater was packed. And being able to see Jabba in his pre-Phantom Menace CGI form makes for an interesting curiosity.