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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 55


Not because the work itself is bad, but it just reminds me of fart. Like, cartoon skunk gas. Very striking visually, but one of those things I can’t unsee once I started thinking it.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


Ed Slushie said:


Here’s my attempt at changing the tint of Exegol (from blue to green) without changing the color of the lightning. I still have no idea how to handle the lightsabers, but this is a start.

Honestly, I was fine with the original blue hue. However, the contrast between the force lighting and the new green hue of the planet is pretty cool. Also it definitely reminds me of the clone wars arcs on Dathomir with the nightsisters and their force magic. Not sure if that was your intention, but a nice call back to the prequel era regardless.


I think one thing one thing we could do is try to vary the hue for various situations. Blue on the outside, where the battle rages, red within the temple, and green when Palpatine regains his strength.


Chase Adams said:

jonh said:

Rey-Force ghosts vs Palpatine_concept (the effect must be perfected)but this is the idea

Stay tuned my friend, Hal 9000 has appointed me to create something to that degree. 😉


I need to see that !!! hahaha


OutboundFlight said:

I have an idea for a more saga-conclusive ending. I think the Jedi from throughout the saga should return and stand with Rey to beat Palpatine. I think it could work like this:

After Palpatine says, “I will kill you” (or whatever) insert Luke’s “No” from TLJ, and then Luke in force ghost forms arrives standing beside Rey. This would be accomplished by masking a shot of him from a prior film, and then coloring it blue. It should be video, so it looks realistic, but possibly intentionally blurred so the mouths don’t have to match up to the dialogue. He then says, “A thousand generations of Jedi live in you.”

Yoda then arrives, with the force theme blasting. Next is Leia. Then Qui-Gon. Then Obi-Wan, possibly followed by an “hello there” if it isn’t too bathos. Then Mace Windu.

Maybe move the shot of Ben climbing back up here, if possible, so he’s included too. Finally, Anakin Skywalker arrives in force ghost form. Luke says, "No one’s ever really gone. Anakin says, “Master” (from throughout the PT) in a mocking tone to Palpatine, Palpatine responds with “no, no, no” (right before force lightning in ROTS).

And only THEN does Rey bring the second saber and finish off Palpatine, with the help of all the Jedi wronged by this evil Sith.

Next, for Ben’s sacrifice. I think the Jedi Force Ghosts should “save” Ben by transferring their remaining life forces. This would be done by showing the individual Jedi Ghosts disappearing right after Ben’s supposed death, and then reversing the shot so Ben comes back to life. You can then show Ben either on Acho-To or with Rey, with a reasonable explanation as to how they were able to both survive.

something like this?

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


sade1212 said:

I really like the idea of delaying the return of Ben and then ending the movie with/near that scene. But you irised the wrong way 😉 (the final shot is supposed to disappear as a small circle shrinking into the middle of the screen). Unless, of course, it was stylistically designed to be that way.

Total blunder on my part, though I kind of like reversing the iris, when timed with the music it does make look like the iconic fanfare is coming at you.


jeangreyforever said:

Clavis said:

idir_hh said:

It’s a very ambitious endeavour, and if executed well it could be the perfect ending.
Good luck man!

Thank you! I will start working on it when I get my hands on the 4K Blu-Ray which should arrive on the 20th.

Your ending is definitely the one I wish we had gotten. It’s also the one Pablo Hidalgo said he would have wanted TROS to end with, Ben exiling himself on Ahch-To.

For the ending scene, do you plan on keeping the Force theme? I remember there were rumors that the final scene would feature Ben and Rey and their themes would play together. Since the Force theme already has been used so heavily in final shots of the saga, playing Samuel Kin’s Reylo Love Theme would be a great way to end the saga on an optimistic note.

I do plan on having the Force theme play during the final scene. I may put a twist on it though.


Anything to remove the repeat of TFA’s final notes would be welcome. I wasn’t happy with a rough mockup of using the end of ROTS’ audio because the two don’t align well.

My stance on revising fan edits.


jonh said:

Rey-Force ghosts vs Palpatine_concept (the effect must be perfected)but this is the idea



That’s an excellent start, but I’d suggest making the ghosts fainter and briefer so we don’t notice they’re still images. I’d also have them not appear simultaneously, but rather cycle through them one at time within the space of a few seconds.

LILIAN02230 said:

Hi guys !
I have some ideas for this movie (and the trilogy)
you found here many previews of my edit:

Rey vs Kylo (Music added)

D-O OIL DELETED SCENE (with AOTC soundtrack and sound effect)

That’s just the same link twice.


Anakin Starkiller said:

jonh said:

Rey-Force ghosts vs Palpatine_concept (the effect must be perfected)but this is the idea



That’s an excellent start, but I’d suggest making the ghosts fainter and briefer so we don’t notice they’re still images. I’d also have them not appear simultaneously, but rather cycle through them one at time within the space of a few seconds.

LILIAN02230 said:

Hi guys !
I have some ideas for this movie (and the trilogy)
you found here many previews of my edit:

Rey vs Kylo (Music added)

D-O OIL DELETED SCENE (with AOTC soundtrack and sound effect)

That’s just the same link twice.

thanks for the information, updated link !

I always get worried about disrupting continuity. I seem to get blamed for that a lot.
Dave Filoni


Darth Sadifous said:

Ed Slushie said:


Here’s my attempt at changing the tint of Exegol (from blue to green) without changing the color of the lightning. I still have no idea how to handle the lightsabers, but this is a start.

Honestly, I was fine with the original blue hue. However, the contrast between the force lighting and the new green hue of the planet is pretty cool. Also it definitely reminds me of the clone wars arcs on Dathomir with the nightsisters and their force magic. Not sure if that was your intention, but a nice call back to the prequel era regardless.

Maybe someone could isolate the Nightsister magic sound effects from The Clone Wars and add it to some Exegol moments to convey the feeling that a mysterious power is at work.


Knight of Kalee said:

Maybe someone could isolate the Nightsister magic sound effects from The Clone Wars and add it to some Exegol moments to convey the feeling that a mysterious power is at work.

Dang it, I wish the Star Wars Soundboard flash game were still up, I’m pretty sure they had some of those sounds.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


Ed Slushie said:

Knight of Kalee said:

Maybe someone could isolate the Nightsister magic sound effects from The Clone Wars and add it to some Exegol moments to convey the feeling that a mysterious power is at work.

Dang it, I wish the Star Wars Soundboard flash game were still up, I’m pretty sure they had some of those sounds.


I found the same one that was on starwars.com on here.


idir_hh said:
According to this page from the novisation The Emperor in TROS was (eyeroll) a clone.

I would’ve preferred no Palpatine at all – but I quite enjoyed the Dark Empire graphic novels.

From Wikipedia:

Following the release of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker in 2019, several critics interpreted the circumstances of Palpatine’s return as amounting to a tribute to Dark Empire. The film’s novelization reveals that Palpatine returned using a clone body, much like his return in the comic.


NeverarGreat said:
As I’ve said before, from a purely logistical stance it’s laughable that in a twenty mile radius of Jakku desert we have the Millennium Falcon, the map to Luke, and the granddaughter of Palpatine/powerful Force sensitive whose parents were personally killed by Kylo Ren, with all of these things finding their way to the planet entirely coincidentally.

Agreed. In my sequel mashup these issues won’t exist. When the movie begins, Rey will be immediately established as a “nobody” orphan taken in and trained by Luke (and Mara Jade?). She was captured when Ben and his “Knights” torched the Jedi academy and killed a bunch of Luke’s students.

So as the reedit opens, Rey is already at Starkiller Base. I’ll extend the time frame of her interrogation so that, as Kylo works on her, we cut away to her memories of being orphaned and having been trained.


idir_hh said:
I always thought it would be interesting if we found out that she killed her parents the same way she “killed” chewie, maybe she was born with the darkside and her parents hated her for it, they decide to sell her to unkarr and leave the planet but in her rage she force electrocutes the ship, she becomes so traumatised that she locks those memories away, in TROS we see her true nature unravel as the film progresses until we reach the climax where she must make the ultimate choice.

In my own reedit this could actually be done, since I’m not going to be including the whole scavenger hunt. It would be possible to combine a shot of young, abandoned Rey reaching out her hand to the sky, with the TROS shot of Force-lightning exploding the transport.

I think I’ll make this a flashback during Rey’s interrogation. New dialogue could also be created for Kylo in which he says as much. Something as succinct as “You killed them.”


idir_hh said:
https://youtu.be/Pz8Ll6DQnTc Alec Guinness reads the Darth Plagueis Copypasta.

Its amazing how seamless this is, Im sure something can be done with Adam Drivers voice to this affect.

I’m thinking I might actually have Obi’s Force-ghost say this to Luke.


Ed Slushie said:

Knight of Kalee said:

Maybe someone could isolate the Nightsister magic sound effects from The Clone Wars and add it to some Exegol moments to convey the feeling that a mysterious power is at work.

Dang it, I wish the Star Wars Soundboard flash game were still up, I’m pretty sure they had some of those sounds.

I archived all of the sounds a while back, it’s available here:

“Always in motion is the future” 🌌