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Avengers: Cosmic Quest (a WIP)


(contains spoilers for the movie)

The intent is to create an Avengers edit where there is only one casualty (Widow), Tony living, less moaning from Thor the focus is chiefly only on the core Avengers and their few allies.

The main beats:

-We open the movie with the support group, five years have already passed. This is largely because I want to present Thanos in this movie at peak efficiency rather than open with him in a weakened state, besides this version of Thanos’ fate is reprised later in the film when Thanos is looking through our Nebula’s data records.

-Lots of little nips and tucks to reduce humour or otherwise humiliating moments for Thor, though I had to keep in his spiel when discussing the reality stone. A little of his reunion with his mother is left intact to maintain his arc in Asguard but other than that, it’s “get in, get out” without much fuss.

-In the final battle, it is Steve who defeats Thanos using Thor’s hammer, the defeat comes before any of the other heroes can arrive.

-Footage of Tony and his daughter in the forest outside his house repurposed for the end of the movie, it also connects pretty nicely with the scene where Cap readies himself to return to the branched timelines with the stones.

-End credits trimmed seeing as not many of the heroes make it into this cut


Thanks for the interest, I’ll be sitting on this for another month or so, I want it to be ready for Christmas.


Looking forward to seeing this edit.


ooh cant wait

I have no more links sorry.


Obviously I missed my Christmas release window, that’s because the DVD came a little late (sometime around mid-January), and I got caught up with other projects. I recently found the time the last few weeks, I pieced together the edit on it’s own, but then a different idea occurred to me, and I might end up combining it with Infinity War.

I’m probably going to do a combined 2-in-one edit where past Thanos doesn’t show up after Thor kills the present version , and when the world is restored by Hulk, there is no final showdown.


Cameron Samurai said:

Obviously I missed my Christmas release window, that’s because the DVD came a little late (sometime around mid-January), and I got caught up with other projects. I recently found the time the last few weeks, I pieced together the edit on it’s own, but then a different idea occurred to me, and I might end up combining it with Infinity War.

I’m always going to do a combined 2-in-one edit where ast Thanos doesn’t show up after Thor kills the present version , and when the world is restored by Hulk, there is no final showdown.

Looking forward to seeing this, once it is done.


Heh, the movie comes in around five hours even with the very large omissions I’ve made, but that might be due to leaving most of Infinity War alone.


Cameron Samurai said:

Obviously I missed my Christmas release window, that’s because the DVD came a little late (sometime around mid-January), and I got caught up with other projects. I recently found the time the last few weeks, I pieced together the edit on it’s own, but then a different idea occurred to me, and I might end up combining it with Infinity War.

I’m probably going to do a combined 2-in-one edit where past Thanos doesn’t show up after Thor kills the present version , and when the world is restored by Hulk, there is no final showdown.

Is there any chance of you doing both versions? They both sound interesting.


hbenthow said:

Cameron Samurai said:

Obviously I missed my Christmas release window, that’s because the DVD came a little late (sometime around mid-January), and I got caught up with other projects. I recently found the time the last few weeks, I pieced together the edit on it’s own, but then a different idea occurred to me, and I might end up combining it with Infinity War.

I’m probably going to do a combined 2-in-one edit where past Thanos doesn’t show up after Thor kills the present version , and when the world is restored by Hulk, there is no final showdown.

Is there any chance of you doing both versions? They both sound interesting.

I have been working on two versions actually, one’s about 4 hours long even without the final battle. Would you be interested in the Endgame portion on it’s own even if it’s just a time-travel yarn with no real sweeping battle?