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Post #1332063

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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread
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Date created
30-Mar-2020, 4:32 PM

StarkillerAG said:

…I think it’s better to just remove the Rey Palpatine twist completely.

Yep very true. Also TFA and TLJ were better than TROS-- so retconning them to fit TROS instead of just fixing TROS is silly. Unless it excites you so much that Sheev fucks that you can’t bear to lose Rey Palpatine and Kylo’s terrible line “you’re a Palpatine.” How many alternate lines to you think Adam Driver recorded?

You’re a…

“Sith goddess”
“Kenobi-- complete with a British accent”
“Skywalker-- because Luke fucks”
“Product of Luke and Leia’s one night stand before they knew they were related”
“Lamp named Mary Sue”