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Post #1332044

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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread
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Date created
30-Mar-2020, 3:15 PM

krausfadr said:

idkartist3d said:

Heya! I’m the guy that made that~
Thanks for posting, I tried throwing it up on Reddit but it just got shit on so I deleted it ahah. Glad people here are enjoying it somewhat!

It took talent to get something to look this good, technically. While everyone seems very excited about this, someone has to come in with an alternate opinion to push for something better. The bottom line is with the footage used, Kylo looks fat, extra goofy, and is making a weird, kind of unnatural face. While Anakin looks somewhat wooden, Kylo looks like a cartoon. I know you wanted Kylo smiling, but if this is the best result possible with smiling, then maybe consider not smiling an option. For me, Anakin is not necessary at all.

Maybe we could try being constructive instead of calling Kylo a “fat cartoon” over and over.

For example, instead of saying “fat” you could say his face is a little too big for his head. I think the “weird, unnatural face” isn’t that weird, I’d actually say the problem is the face and the head nod combo that looks off - I think if you went with one or the other it might work better.