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The Last Jedi: Legendary (Released) — Page 42


I’ve used Resolve (on Mac) for projects in the past year or two and didn’t run into many issues. But the last update I used, which was around October 2019, had this issue where it would only export 5-10 seconds of my project before crashing. I basically had to export my whole project that way and then paste it all together in Premiere. It was a nightmare. Hopefully they’ve fixed this issue since then.

Some people have switched to just Resolve, but there’s going to be growing pains if you aren’t used to it. The best thing to do is to watch tutorials in your free time in order to learn the ins-and-outs of the software, and understand what its strengths and weaknesses are.


NeverarGreat said:

Having used both Mac and PC, both feel solid to me. PC can be less stable simply because of the array of components available of varying levels of quality, but any build of decent quality parts will be as stable as a Mac. I use PC because that’s what I grew up on and Mac feels awkward to navigate, but that’s all personal preference.

I hear that Davinci Resolve has good video editing on par with FCP or Premiere Pro, maybe you could try that?

I totally agree with you. Nothing against Apple, but I prefer Windows computers, they’re much more user friendly in my opinion.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


I would also recommend Resolve. Once you get over the unique quirks, I think there’s a edit style consistency between FCP7, Premiere, and Resolve. Tutorials should help get you quickly acquainted, too. I didnt have the same problem RL had, but I did skip the fall update because of issue with slow playback. They just released another update (16.2) recently so hopefully they fixed that.


poppasketti said:

I would also recommend Resolve. Once you get over the unique quirks, I think there’s a edit style consistency between FCP7, Premiere, and Resolve. Tutorials should help get you quickly acquainted, too. I didnt have the same problem RL had, but I did skip the fall update because of issue with slow playback. They just released another update (16.2) recently so hopefully they fixed that.

I totally need lessons 😃

I’ve got resolve and Premiere. Aside from the VERY basics I’ve not touched an edit since 2004, so I’m totally behind the curve on working the software now.

I have so much difficulty with audio.

  1. Let’s say I wanted to tinker with either Hal’s or your work using the 30+gb MKV/H.264’s

Neither software seem to recognise the audio codec’s, so there’s that as my first hurdle.

But somehow I overcame that, but then I could not work out crossfading and level adjustment.

Once upon a time you could adjust it direct from the audio line and raise/lower the gain using markers and ‘keyframes’

That seemingly no longer exists and I’m out of touch 😦


Hal 9000 said:

There’s definitely an investment on the front end. 😕

Are you using my lossless audio output?

Hey Hal,

No, just the core DTS…but clearly there might be alternative solutions


The lossless audio files should
import straight into either software (definitely premiere).

I haven’t yet posted my lossless audio for V3 yet so I’ll do that now. It should be up in the next hour or two.


Confession time:
I made my edits primarily using Hal’s AC3 tracks, since Premiere properly recognized them as a 5.1 track. The lossless audio gave me essentially 6 mono tracks, and I couldn’t figure out how to assign them to the right audio channels.


Octorox, if you right-click on the audio file in the bin, select interpret footage, go to audio tab, change Mono to 5.1 and the number of tracks from 6 to 1, that should properly format the clip!


poppasketti said:

Octorox, if you right-click on the audio file in the bin, select interpret footage, go to audio tab, change Mono to 5.1 and the number of tracks from 6 to 1, that should properly format the clip!

Thanks! Honestly updates to my edits are kind of in limbo right now but if I really get back into it I’ll keep that in mind. I know that re-compressing an already heavily compressed file isn’t the best tactic.


Why was the Finn & Phasma fight cut? I’d love an explanation that can fully convince me on how pointless it was in the original movie. So I can get over it in V4 and beyond. I know it was worthless for Phasma to get a her own big action moment, but I thought it was such a big moment for Finn to be able to say “Rebel Scum” to her that it didn’t matter.

I could also see that removing Finn defeating his old Stormtrooper Captain is to fit with the lack of that subplot of him starting a Stormtrooper uprise against the First Order in the original drafts of Episode 9. Or the change could be because Finn shows that he has become unselfish by that point in the story with his attempt of self-sacrifice on Crait. And you don’t NEED to ALSO see him fight Phasma and defeat her. The arc of his character in the film is understood just with the Crait sequence. If it was just that, I can understand that.

But I dunno, it doesn’t quite sit right with me when I think about it. I might just need to watch the again from the start with an open mind towards this.

It’s not a HUGE issue. And I don’t mean to complain, since I love everything else that’s been done. These edits have been almost mind-bogglingly well edited, lol. I would go back to V2 to get me preciousssss scene back, but all of the improvements and changes since then have been too good to forget about. So I’d love to be more okay with the loss of this scene.

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!



Well, you answered halfway for me already. The deleted scene we get for Finn vs. Phasma is so much better, and very little of what makes it worthwhile is present in what we see in the movie. Finn doesn’t need to punch Phasma in the face to show us he’s had an arc. It’s got some silliness with the AT-ST and BB8 that I never cared for. The pacing doesn’t work to keep the fight and use the shuttle scene, which itself seems to show us all we need to see about Finn at that point, calling back to a deleted scene reinstated earlier. And when Poppasketti added Phasma’s body on the floor to his version, I knew it was right to cut the scene.

My stance on revising fan edits.


I think the deleted scene could still be salvaged. All that needs to be worked on is the background, which could be added in from other scenes.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Janky, but can be done 😉

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

I think the deleted scene could still be salvaged. All that needs to be worked on is the background, which could be added in from other scenes.

I would LOVE if someone could restore that scene, but I find it pretty hard to believe it can be done convincingly. There’s a lot of unfinished effects, matte lines around characters etc. It would take a lot of work.


Oh yes, the AT-ST bit was one of the worst parts of the movie, lol. And I actually liked the original film. “Hey look, it’s BB-8! The top of the AT-ST comes off to show you!”

I guess that’s another good reason to remove the fight all together; since he’s involved in the fight and it has to end with BB-8 getting them out of there. Oh well. I hope someone completes that deleted scene one day at least.

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


idir_hh said:

I think the deleted scene could still be salvaged. All that needs to be worked on is the background, which could be added in from other scenes.

This scene should be in the movie. It’s good to see Finn do something else than scream REEEY and see Phasma with a little more depth than Fett (but that wouldn’t be too starwarsy, would it?). I hope someone here could fix that scene. Anyhow congrats on all your good work Hal, your edits are my way to go for the Star Wars marathons.


It’s spooky this scene has popped up again. I was working on it last night.

Just commenting to see if anyone else has any lucky enhancing the terrible fx in the deleted scene.

I wish they finished it for the movie.

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Oh wow! I had no idea this was still being worked on!!

booyah baybeee