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Post #1329468

Hal 9000
Parent topic
The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)
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Date created
16-Mar-2020, 9:42 PM

Lol. It can be tedious finding good dialogue for 3PO from cartoons and stuff.

Not really needed, but I think it’d be cool to change 3PO’s interaction with the troopers. (“That’s not even a language!”) He should just haplessly be trying to find protocol to attend to, not necessarily aware that the troopers are hostile.

I do like the moment as it is, so it’s just an idea.

Maybe it has to do with upgrading to an SSD, but now FCP7 seems like it’s going to take foreeeeever to encode TLJ and TFA, so it may be a while before I really get started with TROS.