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Post #1327265

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Most Disappointing / Satisfying Aspect of the Sequel Trilogy?
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Date created
1-Mar-2020, 12:35 PM

I never interested the final scene as Rey forever being the Last Jedi. She only came there to end off the saga. After looking into the binary sunrise (symbolizing a new beginning) Rey will go back to her friends and hopefully rebuild the Jedi Order.

I agree with this. I’ve never understood the argument that “Rey ends the movie on Tatooine, therefore she’s going to spend the rest of her life there!” She was just going there to bury the sabers at Luke’s childhood home. After that she’ll probably go back to the Resistance and continue the Jedi legacy.

Obviously I don’t think Rey will stay on Tatooine in universe, the issue is with the imagery of ending her story here. It sends a subconscious message about her continued isolation that I don’t think was intentional but nevertheless undercuts the effect of the previous scene.