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Post #1325443

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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread
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Date created
17-Feb-2020, 5:36 PM

DominicCobb said:

I’m not suggesting any sort of scandal, and obviously JJ cut whatever is bullshit. But obviously quite a bit was indeed changed in post production, and quite a bit of reshoots we’re done. That’s just a fact.

Okay, my mistake. I thought you were one of those people. Although I’m still pretty certain that the deleted scenes will be released. It doesn’t matter if they contradict the movie: the prequels and TLJ had many deleted scenes that were replaced in reshoots, and they still got released. If the TFA Blu-ray is anything to go by, the deleted scenes probably won’t be substantial, but there will be some stuff (like the Eye of Webbish Bog scene) for fan editors to work with. I just hope there aren’t any time codes.