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Post #1323505

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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread
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Date created
3-Feb-2020, 10:32 PM

OutboundFlight said:

13las said:

I’ve been thinking for weeks that a great final scene would be a redeemed Ben Solo exiling himself on Ach-to. His Tie Fighter burns in the background as he stares out over the sea, then he turns back to see Luke’s ghost, who raises the X-Wing from the water as a token of forgiveness. Iris out on Luke and Ben finally making amends (which was a weird omission for me in the official version). You’d have to cut these beats from the earlier scene with Rey on the island (but I would do that anyway to remove the Palpatine reveal) and Adam Driver would be rotoscoped from the beginning of the Han memory scene.

I think that contradicts the message of TLJ, where you can’t run away from your problems. Instead of exile, a redeemed Ben should travel the galaxy on his own, fighting injustice he comes across and slowly redeeming himself to return to the Jedi and Rey.

I assume you didn’t read the whole thing. He was planning to have the scene end with ghost Luke raising his X-Wing, giving Ben a chance to leave. I personally like the idea, although it seems difficult to rotoscope Ben into those scenes, and cut around Luke’s X-Wing on Exegol.