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Post #53640

Darth Chaltab
Parent topic
Fahrenheit 9/11
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Date created
25-Jun-2004, 6:36 PM

Originally posted by: Luke Skywalker
jimbo tell me why we dont have straight pride parades then??? we have gay ones...

or why arent you bitching about Islamic people having their own television stations???

but bring up blacks and now its a big issue...
the media wants to really waste all their time to conspire against black people??
give it up dude...

bottom line is white's are afraid of black's in one way or another...
people see them as the low of society and therefore we can point the finger at them and get away with it because society is predominantly white....

Jimbo you sure you dont have some sort of problem with coloured people?
cough cough racist!

Have you not been listening to what he was saying? It has nothing to do with being racist. It is just that there are some who continue to opress African Americans psychologically--making them think that they are hated--or that the world is too unfair. The idea is that they continue to rely on "leaders" like "Reverand" Jesse Jackson and the like to make excuses and get them more welfair money. It's how the far-left tries to secure the black vote. They want them to not be self-sufficient--depenedent on government handouts. The liberal media tends to be "sympathetic" towards the "black community"--making it look like that white people are to blame for the poverty and crime that is rampant among African Americans.

And the "black culture" people like Ludakris, $0.50, ect. dont help matters either. It is scary that they are the people my generation looks up to for entertainment.

I must be rambling here so I'll shut up now.