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Post #71304

Darth Simon
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Is General Grievous really Maul??
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Date created
15-Oct-2004, 3:51 AM

Originally posted by: motti_soL
i doubt it. im referring to the interview in '99 in which GL said that Maul is dead. but who knows, it might just be some marketing ploy...

I havent seen the cartoons so i dont really know and couldnt form an opinion. I actually dont think maul will be brought back though it would be hot to see. And well lucas hasnt always been consistent in everything he says and does so anything is possible


Originally posted by: jimbo
Absolutly not. Grevious's head is way to small. Plus being cut in half is an instant death and he could not be restored.

Like i said, havent seen clone wars yet so cant say. Ill give you the head arguement but i dont agree that being cut in half is instant death. I mean people have survived some crazy shit in real life, nails through their heads, steel rods through there heads, 2 by 4's through their abdomen. So why wouldnt getting cut in half be survivable in a fictional movie where they have technology that is more advanced then our current tech. Besides the heat from the light saber would pretty much cortorize most of the wounds, and he was cut at the waist so most of his organs would be untouched...I definatly think that its possible for him to have survived.

But then you have to ask, why he wasnt in episode II. I beleive the time line between the two movies was like 10 years or something so thats plenty of time for him to have healed and been in episode II. Unless Lucas is just keeping him as the big suprise in episode III, but i somehow doubt that one, i mean fans would want to see Darth Maul again and lucas wouldnt want to give fans something they want. plus it would just add too much additional stuff that needs to be explained and there's only so much time.

-Darth Simon