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Post #1320765

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Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD *
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Date created
19-Jan-2020, 7:19 PM

Mauler seemed like a jerk but he actually harasses other YouTubers? Patrick H Willems and Jenny Nicholson are nice people, so is MovieBob. I don’t see why he feels he has to attack other people like that. It seems like he has his own issues and the only way he can deal with them is to project onto others and bully other people. I wouldn’t want give a person like that any views.

I know Nicholson has been getting shit for defending Reylos recently. Poor Reylos, man. They’ve been getting so much shit since, well, TFA, but especially since the Boyega tweets. People obviously have a lot of personal issues these days, and the only way they can feel better about themselves is to bully other people online.