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Post #1319741

Broom Kid
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Small details that took you FOREVER to notice in the Star Wars films
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Date created
14-Jan-2020, 3:05 PM

You don’t have to turn your brain off to not think about unimportant things. In fact often the best way TO think is to make sure you’re not distracting yourself unnecessarily by focusing on unimportant/meaningless stuff that doesn’t matter at the expense of putting time and energy into considering other, more important things.

And of course, you have to have your brain on and working in order to even make the decision that something isn’t really worth your time to keep thinking about.

Being discerning is a skill a lot of people don’t really try to learn anymore. Now it’s just a lot of binary solutions being arrived at via external influence. It’s faster that way, and generates more “takes” that result in more responses and that’s the ultimate goal more often than not. Not understanding, not analysis. Content creation and audience reaction.

Put it this way: Thinking MORE, about EVERYTHING, isn’t the same as thinking BETTER, about what MATTERS.

…and that’s why there was probably another garrison on Endor, thanks for coming to my TED talk