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Most Disappointing / Satisfying Aspect of the Sequel Trilogy? — Page 14


Z6PO said:

Back to the topic: there’s so much aspects of the movie that I found disappointing, so I don’t know what the most is, but what I would have liked to see at the beginning of the movie is Rey building her own lightsaber (the one we see at the end of the movie), using parts (the Kyber crystal!) salvaged from Anakin’s lightsaber (which got torn apart in the previous movie). She has the ancient texts, she would have known how to build one, and it should have been part of her training. It would have been ultimately cool to see her fight with an orange blade. (Seeing her ignite her new lightsaber for no reason at the end of the movie is just fan service)

ROTJ deleted scene of Luke igniting his lightsaber for no reason before putting it in R2.


DominicCobb said:

Hal 9000 said:

Can we get a much lower budget episodes 10 to 12 set 100 years in the future directed by Rian Johnson, with story ideas about the Force being front and center? The goal would be to explore the meat of the concepts we’ve been shown and about building the Jedi back up without there being a ‘holy crap bad guy uberthreat.’ Small scale, spiritual stakes on a personal level. Could be made soonish, with the ST characters all having died by that point, but could be referenced or perhaps shown in flashbacks. Luke and other Jedi could always pop in as ghosts, but this would have to be done soonish for much of that.

100% agree.

No enough $$$ by makin’ for movie 'bout cncpts. Need explosions and shouting and making angry faces, then kissing after angryfaces for $$$ so can make more movies with explosions and shouting and making angry faces to make more $$$. with kissing dometimes. Need potry to so it rymes.

“It is only through interaction, through decision and choice, through confrontation, physical or mental, that the Force can grow within you.”
-Kreia, Jedi Master and Sith Lord


Broom Kid said:

I disagree that it was a fitting end for her character. I don’t think it was that at all. I don’t think it could have been with what was left over, and the decision to go forward with this idea was a bad one, made for well-intentioned-but-ultimately-bad reasons. It was absolutely forced because Abrams had already decided he was going to put her in there before he had ANY story in place.

Carrie Fisher’s death was a tragedy. It was too soon, it was unfair, and I, like millions of others, wish it hadn’t happened. But whatever this was in Rise of Skywalker, it wasn’t a tribute. It was childish. It was refusal to accept that she was gone, and they used her image and her presence as maybe the ultimate act of “fan-service” in a movie packed full of it. “There’s no way we could make this movie without Carrie” is a noble sentiment. It’s also an untrue statement. They could have, and looking at the results, they should have.

They did her and her memory no real favors with this, and they certainly didn’t help their story out any, either.

I completely disagree. I think keeping her as the leader and having her play a part in Kylo’s redemption was very powerful. I think it worked very well. I think having her as Rey’s teacher worked as well. I would agree that a couple of the scenes could have been left out, but overall I think it worked very well and so did her daughter. It wasn’t just fan service, it was in service to the larger themes and story.


I really liked the fact that Leia became the master (though it’d have been more interesting if Rey didn’t have someone to guide her learnings), though it makes the fact that TFA never clarified Leia’s relationship with the force that much more frustrating. The fact that she was trained as a Jedi shouldn’t be a twist three movies after it happened. But then I do give some leeway because the execution comes down to circumstances.


Oh, you know what I forgot as a pretty big disappointment?

That “The Emperor” was used exclusively. I wanted someone to say “Sheev” at some point. I almost expected it to come out of some Resistance member’s mouth and cause a moment of levity as people reacted to it.

“He Sheev now?”
“He Sheev now.”


Am I the only one being uncomfortable with Poe and the team stealing desert skiffs from good people having a party? Couldn’t they have asked for help? Couldn’t Lando, being already there incognito with a vehicle, have given them a ride? What’s the point of Lando, after a call from Leia, checking on the team? Isn’t it somewhat paternalistic?



-How sloppy the trilogy is in structure, pacing, and character building
-How uncreative the trilogy is in bringing back planet destroying weapons twice, bringing back the emperor, and having another twist related to the main character’s family
-The weird lack of romance (despite plenty of sexual tension)
-How there’s never any restraint or subtlety.
-How the Force is basically just video game-ish magic instead of a Shinto style connection to a spiritual world
-How they lean on the OT for emotional resonance rather than getting it from their own plot lines and characters.
-The squandered opportunity of it all

I think so much of it is a reflection of how the majority of Hollywood has really forgotten how to make quality mass entertainment.


spectraljulian said:

I think so much of it is a reflection of how the majority of Hollywood has really forgotten how to make quality mass entertainment.

But this is pretty clearly untrue. Hollywood is probably better now at making quality mass entertainment (which I’m taking to mean large-scale blockbusters since most studio product is intended to appeal to a “mass audience”) than at any time in its prior history. The last 20 years of major-studio blockbuster filmmaking has considerably more legitimately well-made and affecting films than the '80s and '90s do. That Star Wars turned out a bad movie isn’t really a reflection of anything but Star Wars being Star Wars (Star Wars has never batted 1.000, and it’s sort of unreasonable to think it should). Not to excuse the film’s quality or make apologies for it (I didn’t like it either) but I don’t think The Rise of Skywalker is really a reflection of anything but it’s own production, it’s not part of a larger industry trend. If it were, it probably would have stuck the landing in a manner much closer to Avengers: Endgame. Which, as a reminder, was critically acclaimed on top of becoming the highest grossing film ever.

Also, you didn’t mention any satisfying elements to offset the negative ones. Did nothing come across as satisfying?


Most satisfying:

Most things with Rey
More strong female characters.
Kylo Ren/Ben Solo.
Rey and Ben’s Bond.
Finn’s growth from running away anxious and becoming a respected member of the Resistance.
Luke’s lessons on Atch-To.
Rey pulling and using the lightsaber on Starkiller Base.
Overall each ot the characters are solid and likable.
Rey versus Dark Rey.
The Throne Room in The Last Jedi.
Han and Ben.
Leia using and having her own lightsaber.
BB-8’s thumbs up.
“Women always figure out the truth. Always.”
Some world building.

Most Disappointing:

Rehashing the Originals.
No respect or regard for the Prequels.
Lack of character consistency.
No regard for established character developments, lore, and canon rules
Luke tossing the lightsaber.
Rey being a Palpatine.
Barely any development with the Knights of Ren.
Snoke having no purpose other than being some vessel for Palpatine.
Palpatine returning with no explanation.
No explanation to how Maz got the Skywalker lightsaber.
Most world building.
Finn not freeing the stormtroopers and giving them redemption.
Ben Solo dying.
Diminishing Anakin’s legacy as the Chosen One.
Rebels versus Empire 2.0.
No knowledge of the Jedi who left with Ben when he became Kylo.
Barely any R2-D2 and C-3PO.
The dozen or more plotholes.

“Heroes come in all sizes, and you don’t have to be a giant hero. You can be a very small hero. It’s just as important to understand that accepting self-responsibility for the things you do, having good manners, caring about other people - these are heroic acts. Everybody has the choice of being a hero or not being a hero every day of their lives.” - George Lucas


Z6PO said:

Am I the only one being uncomfortable with Poe and the team stealing desert skiffs from good people having a party? Couldn’t they have asked for help? Couldn’t Lando, being already there incognito with a vehicle, have given them a ride? What’s the point of Lando, after a call from Leia, checking on the team? Isn’t it somewhat paternalistic?

I guess they did it so we could get hints at the weird spice-runner Poe subplot. “How do you, an expert pilot, know how to hotwire a vehicle?”


No scantily clad Rey. If Daisy Ridley was gonna pump some iron for the role, the least they could’ve done was show off that toned feminine bod. But nooooooooo.


So you suggest that along with Luke’s lightsaber, his X-Wing, his home, Han’s ship and his copilot, she should have also inherited Leia’s bikini?


Wexter said:

So you suggest that along with Luke’s lightsaber, his X-Wing, his home, Han’s ship and his copilot, she should have also inherited Leia’s bikini?

They live on in her now.


The most disappointing aspect for me is the ending of The Force Awakens. It is too much left hanging and in the wrong spot. The whole plot of the film feels unresolved. Yes, they find Luke, but then what? The main question of the crawl is left hanging until the next film.


yotsuya said:

Z6PO said:

Back to the topic: there’s so much aspects of the movie that I found disappointing, so I don’t know what the most is, but what I would have liked to see at the beginning of the movie is Rey building her own lightsaber (the one we see at the end of the movie), using parts (the Kyber crystal!) salvaged from Anakin’s lightsaber (which got torn apart in the previous movie). She has the ancient texts, she would have known how to build one, and it should have been part of her training. It would have been ultimately cool to see her fight with an orange blade. (Seeing her ignite her new lightsaber for no reason at the end of the movie is just fan service)

ROTJ deleted scene of Luke igniting his lightsaber for no reason before putting it in R2.

Umm, he’d just finished building it so isn’t it logically prudent to do at least a quick test before needing to rely on it for a potential battle?


Wexter said:

So you suggest that along with Luke’s lightsaber, his X-Wing, his home, Han’s ship and his copilot, she should have also inherited Leia’s bikini?

LOL, unfortunately I don’t think Rey would fill those cups or more importantly, her shoes. It’s amazing the amount of other OT character’s things she appropriates but it doesn’t stop there as it seems she even gets Poe’s droid BB-8 by the end of TROS…


Valheru_84 said:

yotsuya said:

Z6PO said:

Back to the topic: there’s so much aspects of the movie that I found disappointing, so I don’t know what the most is, but what I would have liked to see at the beginning of the movie is Rey building her own lightsaber (the one we see at the end of the movie), using parts (the Kyber crystal!) salvaged from Anakin’s lightsaber (which got torn apart in the previous movie). She has the ancient texts, she would have known how to build one, and it should have been part of her training. It would have been ultimately cool to see her fight with an orange blade. (Seeing her ignite her new lightsaber for no reason at the end of the movie is just fan service)

ROTJ deleted scene of Luke igniting his lightsaber for no reason before putting it in R2.

Umm, he’d just finished building it so isn’t it logically prudent to do at least a quick test before needing to rely on it for a potential battle?

Yeah that’s fine. Ruins the skiff reveal but logically it’s fine.


Most disappointing: The ending of TFA. That ridiculous swirling helicopter shot. As if it sets up something important for the next episode. But how can you follow that sort of empty cliffhanger? What is there to tell that will surprise the audience?

Most satisfying: The tossing of the lightsaber.


Valheru_84 said:

Wexter said:

So you suggest that along with Luke’s lightsaber, his X-Wing, his home, Han’s ship and his copilot, she should have also inherited Leia’s bikini?

LOL, unfortunately I don’t think Rey would fill those cups or more importantly, her shoes.

That’s okay. I’m an ass man, anyway.


Mocata said:

Valheru_84 said:

yotsuya said:

Z6PO said:

Back to the topic: there’s so much aspects of the movie that I found disappointing, so I don’t know what the most is, but what I would have liked to see at the beginning of the movie is Rey building her own lightsaber (the one we see at the end of the movie), using parts (the Kyber crystal!) salvaged from Anakin’s lightsaber (which got torn apart in the previous movie). She has the ancient texts, she would have known how to build one, and it should have been part of her training. It would have been ultimately cool to see her fight with an orange blade. (Seeing her ignite her new lightsaber for no reason at the end of the movie is just fan service)

ROTJ deleted scene of Luke igniting his lightsaber for no reason before putting it in R2.

Umm, he’d just finished building it so isn’t it logically prudent to do at least a quick test before needing to rely on it for a potential battle?

Yeah that’s fine. Ruins the skiff reveal but logically it’s fine.

I’m guessing that’s why the scene was cut / deleted but as to comparing the scene to Rey’s one in TROS, Luke’s ignition makes sense in story while Rey’s only makes sense as fan service which isn’t necessarily a bad thing in itself except for it seeming to be the only reason she ignites it which is part of the meta problem with the DT. It’s far too self aware.


I think the idea is Rey used the green and blue crystal parts to make a yellow one since you sort of see the ignition lights. It’s the same thing as Luke testing his. However it makes no sense that this is Tatooine, a place important to the audience and not to a single character involved.