RogueLeader, I actually had the same thought about the radio! It doesn’t quite make sense. I think I started down that path thinking it would be Palp’s broadcast, but liked DZ-330’s calling out to Kylo. It’s too early for the broadcast, and I really like the ideas being discussed by Hal and others about its placement in TROS.
At the moment, I’m trying to work with what we have, and am not sure I could achieve Palpatine communicating in a way that feels like Kylo is responding without the radio. It’s one of the reasons I’m thinking of keeping V2 for those that would prefer not to have the extra Palpatine stuff (or at least not this scene).
Still, it does work for me, and I may sit on it for a while and look at the other areas.
As for the site whisper audio, I thought these would be hard to find but a quick YouTube search and…