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Post #1316606

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Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD *
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Date created
2-Jan-2020, 2:21 AM

OutboundFlight said:

Also, Finn and Poe can kiss on Crait!

I like that, though I’m not sure I buy the rest. Why is the guy who isn’t devoted to the cause telling the one who is how bad the war is? What is Poe learning exactly, and how is Finn learning his lesson? It’s a lot cleaner if Finn gets the “why we fight” story, and Poe’s story is focused on heroism vs. recklessness.

At least that’s how I feel and how Johnson felt. Maybe there was a different way to do it that’d work equally well, I don’t know. For me I don’t really have any problem with Canto Bight so I don’t really see why it should’ve been done differently. Different strokes I guess.