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Post #1315665

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Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD *
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Date created
30-Dec-2019, 3:17 AM

Watched it for a second time last evening, and it didn’t improve for me on a second viewing. For me it is without a doubt the most messy, convoluted, plot hole filled movie in the franchise. I liked the creepy opening, and the sense of adventure, and camaraderie of the first half of the film, but when Palpatine and his fleet were defeated, and it was clear many questions and plot holes would just be glossed over in favour of checking boxes, and rehashing Star Wars tropes, it felt very cynical, unearned, and hollow to me. I felt very little of the exhilaration I felt during the space battle of RO, or the tension I felt during the last episode of The Mandalorian. The Force is just a deux ex machina now, that, unlike in the past, can now be used to locate objects, and regular people aboard starships, transfer objects across the galaxy, heal the injured, bring back the dead (guess saving people from death is no longer a dark side legend, and an unhealthy form of attachment), and cause a Force overdose (though technically introduced in TLJ) for maximum dramatic effect, whenever the plot needs it. The bad guy, despite having very limited screen time, changes his motivations multiple times, first he wants to kill our protagonist, next he wants to possess the protagonist, then finally rejuvinate himself using the heroes’ life force (which conveniently doesn’t kill them, unlike later when the film needs a dramatic moment). By the way, did anyone notice the stupidity of the Sith Wayfinder? Why would you create not one, but two maps to a highly secret location, and then let anybody be able to use it, once they get their hands on it, no password required? The ST has made me stop caring about Star Wars films for the most part. I went into TROS pretty apathetic, and walked out of it with zero interest to ever see, or discuss these characters again. I really hope some major changes are forthcoming behind the scenes, because as far as I’m concerned the people at LFM, and Disney really dropped the ball, bringing interest for Star Wars movies in general to an all time low.