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Men In Black: International Incident (Released)


This edit is based off of ideas by Hadam10Rose (mainly just the ending with T being the good guy) and a lot of other tweeks by me.

The edit is 1 hour, 23 minutes (plus credits) and includes no mention of the mole sub plot, now the weapon is kept from everyone because of M’s inexperience as an agent, and she learns to trust MIB only at the end (this stems from her childhood when she kept the alien safe), I also removed any scenes with her as a civilian and we’re introduced to her as an adult when she is recruited into MIB.

Hemsworth’s character is a lot different, his bungling has been scaled back quite a bit, now he’s more of an egotist who got lucky that one time he saved the world from the Hive, and needs to prove himself. Liam Neeson is now merely a long-suffering mentor who’s faith in H is tested, and then has his fears quashed the more the mission goes on. Lastly, there is a brand new ending that still involves the flying car (the scene where they first use it, in the original cut they’re on their way to stop T, but in this edit they’re using it for yet another mission)

I wanted to use footage from the NBA promo trailers but they proved to be too long, unfunny and made H look really dense.


Current Cutlist

-Film opens with SONY HOME ENTERTAINMENT Logo, and end credits repurposed as opening credits
-Molly’s childhood retained
-Main title card comes after she helps the alien escape
-Flash forward to T and H’s mission together against the Hive
-Molly’s civilian life and failed job interviews cut completly
-Molly discovering MIB completely cut, we next see her already accepted as a recruit
-Agents M’s attempts to become Agent H’s back-up for his mission goes a lot smoother
-Agent H mucking about with his shirt outside the nightclub cut
-The alien friend of H no longer wants to seduce Agent M
-H and M arguing in the nightclub cut
-Alien poisoned by dagger retained
-Alien telling M that H has changed cut
-References to something being wrong in MIB cut.
-Meeting in High T’s office trimmed to remove references to the mole within MIB
-Agent H and M no longer discuss the mole when analysing the poison
-More minor mentions of M being told not to let the weapon fall into MIB hands and the mole cut, the edit indicates Molly has trust issues with the london branch per Emma Thompson telling her there was a problem in London (this could mean anything though)
-M and H’s early arguments in the desert trimmed
-High T’s heel turn and final battle completly cut
-First scene with the updated flying car repurposed as the final scene
-Only one minor tweek to the end credits, the use of Will Smith’s “Just Cruising”