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Post #1315043

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Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD *
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Date created
28-Dec-2019, 7:51 AM

Biggs Audio Dynamite said:

oojason said:

Bar calling out the toxic fans - the racists, sexists, homophobes, trolls, death threat makers and announcers, and bullies who chase people involved in films they don’t like off the internet etc… I haven’t seen quotes from Rian Johnson chastising genuine criticism of The Last Jedi - I’ve only seen quotes from him stating he was perfectly fine with fans expressing genuine criticism of the film.

Perhaps someone can provide quotes from him to the contrary? (I am somewhat surprised nobody has done so previously.)

I don’t think anyone has posted them because such quotes don’t exist. To me it is a myth, spread by people looking to continue the hate on the TLJ film or the man who made it.

Personally I find such claims to be actually toxic, as they are without foundation or fact. Both a lie and smear. Rinsed and repeated.

I like TLJ overall, yet the film still has several big issues for me, but I’m not going to lie and make up shit about it or about the people who worked on it, and I don’t understand people who do.

If Rian Johnson called out a bunch of people fitting the descriptions you posted then good on him. I wish more would.

Im not a fan of TLJ, and i can find tons of videos and articles discussing it in a unbiased, unprejudiced way. In fact i would say TLJ fans are the ones who just use racism and sexism as a card against people who have genuine criticism of the movie. Its quite toxic really, and sad that Rian Johnson fans dont have any issues in thrashing people and the franchise to protect the vision of one dude.
People didnt like Rose because she was a waste, not because she was a female. People want Rey to show weakness because thats what a hero should do, not because shes a female. People hated on Finns arc because it was a waste and pointless, not cause he’s black. People hated on Holdo because she was an incompetent leader, not because she was a female. People dont like Poes arc because the movie makes him look incompetent just to prove a point and serve Holdos motivations, not because he is a man. People hated Lukes arc because he already had his evolution as a character in the OT, now his job was to pass on the torch, not to go back to the drawing board.