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Post #1314808

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Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD *
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Date created
27-Dec-2019, 3:27 PM

OutboundFlight said:

Star Wars has never been about the plot. If so, ROTS would be the best movie because it’s the most complex. And A New Hope is just some weird and boring side adventure.

No one liking TROS has said they like it because of it’s plot. It’s how they make that outline into a fun movie that makes us like it. If you give it a chance and don’t enjoy it, that’s fair, but you can’t think of Star Wars as just a Wookiepedia article.

Most food is not about salt, but no salt will result in a bland and forgettable dining experience. Even if the plot is not the most important element, there needs to be a balance. Fun and good are two different things to me. A film with little plot can be fun, but a good film needs a good plot. It is the foundation of a good story (imo).