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Post #1313536

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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread
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Date created
23-Dec-2019, 2:56 PM

I think that for my eventual personal edit I’ll:

-Remove any implications of any romantic feelings between Poe and Zorri/Finn and Jannah (aaagh Disney are cowards!!)
-Slow down the pacing using subtle digital slow motion (to hold on shots for longer) and deleted scenes.
-Remove Rey being a Palpatine but keep her parents being killed by Ochi.
-Remove the kind of disgusting line ‘they sold you to protect you.’
-Add shot of Leia holding Han’s medal to right before her death scene (you can notice that she’s holding it when she lays down but no attention is brought to it)
-Rey doesn’t bring BB-8 to Tatooine?
-There is a lot of voice over in this movie (Palpatine VO over ships at the beginning, him taunting Rey at the end, the whole Resistance taking off sequence) that feels a little un-Star Wars-y, so reducing it would be fine.
-Remove Lando’s conversation with Jannah/reduce the ‘old smoothie’ attitude he seemingly has?
-Have Finn and Poe receiving info from Boolio as the first scene? THEN we cut to Mustafar afterwards, where maybe we hear Palpatine’s broadcast from Fortnite?
-Rewrite crawl to be less “accept all of this new information as quickly as possible”
-Reduce back-peddling of decisions made in The Last Jedi.
-Remove ‘Holdo Maneuver’ line
-On my second watch, I thought to myself that a lot of scenes might have more weight/feel more dramatic if the music was removed. Can’t think of many specific examples except for the second scene in Babu Frik’s workshop.
-Remove/push back scene of Chewie being revealed to be not dead. Either don’t show him until after everyone mourns his loss, or cut the scene and have his being alive revealed when Rey senses him on Kijimi.

This movie is very strange to me because there is a lot that I love but there’s so much that I really dislike. BUT the things that I dislike I know can be removed through editing, so we’ll see.