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Post #1312781

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Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD *
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Date created
21-Dec-2019, 3:07 PM

Then why was her father a nobody? Did the power levels just skip a generation?

I just wish fans could accept the Force awakened and things are different now. I feel like the new movies tried to bring back the Force as this mysterious power beyond total understanding, and Abrams ironically fell back on midichlorians. “Rey has Palpatine’s high midichlorian count! It’s gotta be at least 20,000 if not more!”

I appreciate your willingness to discuss this Shopping Maul! Don’t get me wrong, I did have fun with the movie still, these are just some of my issues with it. So I’m not criticizing you or your enjoyment, just the story decisions of the movie.