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Post #1312436

act on instinct
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Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD *
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Date created
20-Dec-2019, 3:04 PM

DominicCobb said:

Well yeah, exactly. I was fully expecting Palpatine to just say at the end before he died the same line that he said to Kylo… “I’ve been killed before.” That would have actually made sense. That’s the whole fucking point. You can’t defeat the dark side forever. They completely ignored that. Stupid.

This exactly, also why I really dislike the exchange of “I am all the sith” it felt like another last ditch attempt to tie together all and any loose ends. See? This HAS to be the end of the saga! That was all the sith!

Maybe it’s a reaction to knowing they couldn’t just defeat the Order like the Empire in ROTJ, needed to be distinctly final. But oh man what a ham-fisted fumble we got. I know this is intended for children but I felt like the intelligence level was operating on Nick Jr. scale.