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Changes in 2004 DVDs — Page 25


Originally posted by: Klingon_Jedi
Simple question, are there any credits for the "2004 restoration" or whatever they call it?

The credits are identical to the special edition.


Originally posted by: Klingon_Jedi
People are going apeshit over this on TF.N and Darth-Jett scares me over there. Costently saying things like "another one under the belt" and "victory". I'm getting the impression that if Lucas were to leak a print with Mark Hamil replaced by another actor, they'd be applauding it as pure genius, and that Hamill had nothing compared to this guy. There's nothing wrong with liking the changes, but to rub it in to a fan of the O-OT then ridicule them is downright childish and reminds me why I'm here. Yet it continues, with O-OT supporters being labeled "Lucas hating whiners" and SE supporters being jerks that act like because they "support Lucas" and party with every change they must be the only "True Fans". The door swings both ways, and there's no such thing as a "true fan". There may be different levels of devotion, but accepting the change make you no more of a fan than rejecting them makes you any less. Lucas has literally driven a wedge between the fandom, one not easily repaired.

I hear you, brother. No matter what Lucas puts on their plate, there are apparently scores of fans who will eat it up.


Originally posted by: jimbo
In my opinion I pitty those who are boycotting this great set.

Keep your pity to yourself.

Greedo shoots first? Not in my DVD player.
I was talking about people on TF.N like Darth-Jett when I said that, not necessarily you. As for me, all I want is the originals in widescreen, DVD or not. Hayden's head is a reason not to get them. Jimbo, just because you find the effects better doesn't make it fact. I thought the SE effects were way below ILM's quality. Hence I see them as inferior to the originals. If I can get the films in widescreen on VHS, I'll be happy. The Faces set is what to get, despite the missing C-3PO line, right guys?

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.


Originally posted by: Obi-Wan Spicoli
I hear you, brother. No matter what Lucas puts on their plate, there are apparently scores of fans who will eat it up.

It's not so much that they eat it up, that's their choice. What angers me is that they snear at the fans who decide they don't like it. Just because one thinks Hayden being in Jedi is the greatest idea ever, does not make them a better fan.

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.

Is there anyone who believes Hayden in Jedi is better. Also yes I say some of the effects in the 1997 Special Edition could have been better but were alot better then anything they could do in the 70s. Best explaination for Hayden is the idea that a Jedi spirit can look like any point in its life. Anakin when he died was a bald limbless corpse. He would much rather look like his pretty boy younger self. Obi-Wan wanted Luke to recognize him more which is why he still looks old. It still sucks but it can make some sense. Its livable. Still how can anyone complain about the fixing of lightsabers or deleting of Racor matt lines. Both are changes that should have been made in 1997. I am so happy about those.
More changes.

When Luke removes vaders helmat we see Shaws face has been modified a bit. He now has dead skin over his eyebrows. I like this change.

We also see that the Jedi temple has been added into the coresunt celebration sequence replacing some old buildings.
I agree that they should have been fixed in 97. I don't believe the sabers are fixed however. Its looks like it's just the remaster. That was one of my problems with the SE. They changed things that didn't need to be, while leaving stuff that could have. If he had just removed mattlines (they only partially did), spruced up the sabers(which he didn't) and fixed the landspeeder(which he did), I'd have had no problem with it. That's the case of the Star Trek: The Motion Picture DVD. They finished what wasn't, leaving everything else alone. The film is better to me because of that. Even more so, every thing changed or removed was included in anamorphic widescreen.

As for the Hayden change, check the link I posted say it was a more mainstream view. They're froathing over it like its the greatest thing ever. I think the PT should mesh with the OT. I don't think the OT should be changed to fit the PT, it makes no sense.

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.

I don't like the Jedi Temple change, I always felt Palpatine would have it destroyed. Considering the hatrid for the Jedi post Clone Wars, it makes little sense it would survive. There's also no mention of it in the EU.

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.


When Luke removes vaders helmat we see Shaws face has been modified a bit. He now has dead skin over his eyebrows. I like this change.

why do you like it jimbo?
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
Hey, is Jar Jar in the Naboo celebration? If not, then chances are Lucas'll kill him off in Revenge of the Sith (wow, feels so weird to say that - I'm so used to saying "Episode III").

I don't know whether to download it or not. I'm not really that interested in it, but I would like to see some of the changes that were done. And it might take a while, cause I actually did try to download earlier today but couldn't even connect. So I just don't know if it's worth my time or not. I'm still undecided about it.
I very much doubt that the people who have downloaded the ROTJ DVD will not be buying it when it comes out. I would say that the majority of them have already pre-ordered it.

Out of interest, how long did it take for you to download it?


Creator of Star Wars Begins, Building Empire and Returning to Jedi
Follow me on twitter @jamieSWB. Please support me at - http://www.patreon.com/jamiebenning/


Originally posted by: Obi-Wan Spicoli

Originally posted by: HotRod
Why is it that when I try to go to Milleniumfalcon.com it takes me to the official site?!?

Huh, why is that? Eh why??

Can some put a link up please!!

LOL. You have to spell it right.

Haha.....Yeah I've realised that.....Stupid way of spelling Millenium anyway.....


Hey guys today is my birthday. I turn 17 today. Also if you look at the lightsabers it is clear they were tampered with more then just remastering. These changes do kind of spoil Revenge of the Sith. I also assumed Naboo and the Jedi temple would have been destroyed. Seeing them still standing in Return of the Jedi is surprising.
I think that changing the Anakin ghost to Hayden in Jedi is terrible. Having seen the clips it just looks badly implemented. I would have expected it to have been much better considering that ILM were doing it. The screens I have seen of the rest of Jedi and they all look good. While I will be getting the set in September, I would rather be able to have the original versions than these ones.

Originally posted by: jimbo
Hey guys today is my birthday. I turn 17 today. Also if you look at the lightsabers it is clear they were tampered with more then just remastering. These changes do kind of spoil Revenge of the Sith. I also assumed Naboo and the Jedi temple would have been destroyed. Seeing them still standing in Return of the Jedi is surprising.

All you do is moan, moan moan.


Happy Birthday man!!!



Originally posted by: Luke Skywalker

When Luke removes vaders helmat we see Shaws face has been modified a bit. He now has dead skin over his eyebrows. I like this change.

why do you like it jimbo?

It makes him look more decayed. This in my opinion adds to the effect of the suffering of Anakin Skywalker. It is also slight and probably will only be noticed by the most hardcore fans. Also I am very happy there ain't any Hayden there.

Originally posted by: Jambe Davdar
I very much doubt that the people who have downloaded the ROTJ DVD will not be buying it when it comes out. I would say that the majority of them have already pre-ordered it.

Out of interest, how long did it take for you to download it?


well i downloaded it and i guarentee i wont be buying it....
it took me about 10 hours to download it..

and jimbo you never answered my question...
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
oops my bad...
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
I have a question for those who downloaded this alleged rip of ROTJ. Is the matte line problem with the Rancor still there?

Originally posted by: Jedi Master DJR
I have a question for those who downloaded this alleged rip of ROTJ. Is the matte line problem with the Rancor still there?

This should answer your question

Indeed the matt lines around the racor have been fixed
If you d/l and won't be buying simply because you now have it, your kinda silly. All the rips or Masters that have been handed out are inferior to production dvds. They have either been shrunk or material has been omitted.

If you aren't buying them because they are the OOT, then that's a diffrent story.
The Jedi are all but extinct.......
Jimbo, ur link didn't work dude.
I just hate stupid people.


Petition signer # 34,865

Originally posted by: StarTrooper3000
Jimbo, ur link didn't work dude.

I don't know why it isn't working anymore but trust me the racor matt lines have been fixed
Why do I get the feeling that if Lucas ever did release the Originals on dvd...people would still complain and moan about something?

You hate it now. Wait til your kids love it and know no other.
Which is the more foolish, the fool (the OT) or the fool who follows (the PT)?

"Stay back, or Mr...Fett gets it!"

Originally posted by: Count Dushku
Why do I get the feeling that if Lucas ever did release the Originals on dvd...people would still complain and moan about something?

You hate it now. Wait til your kids love it and know no other.

The complaining will never stop ... that's what we're human for

And ... whaddayamean ... know no other ?

Thanks Rikter *wink wink*