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Post #1311019

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Star Wars: The Fall of Skywalker (PT 3-in-1 edit) (Released)
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Date created
15-Dec-2019, 1:08 AM

So I just gave this a watch, and I quite liked it! It really does a good job of cutting extraneous plot threads in favor of Anakin’s turn to the Dark Side. I especially liked how Obi-wan’s mission on Utapau was almost entirely removed in favor of Anakin on Coruscant, since this made it feel like the audience itself was being excluded from the Jedi council and really allowed solidarity with Anakin and his frustrations.

Apart from a few rough cuts in the beginning (most notably the elevator scene and Padme’s apartment from AOTC), the music and audio was cut well and flowed nicely.

There are a few notes I have concerning the particulars of the edit:

I understand why you included the two clips from TPM, which were important moments setting up Anakin’s romance with Padme and his desire to free his mother, but they were so brief that they felt out of place. I feel like if you were to have those moments, they would need more context in the form of the whole scenes to really shine. Anakin leaving his mother in particular is a real highlight of TPM and it’s a shame to lose that beautiful music.

The overall structure of the edit makes it very light on action in favor of Anakin’s psychological turmoil, and this is mostly to the benefit of the film, however in practical terms this means a lot of shot-reverse-shot and people walking slowly in hallways while talking. The beginning and end of the edit has enough action to sustain these talky scenes, but the middle drags a bit. I’d actually like to see some of the rescue of Palpatine from ROTS, because apart from a needed respite from the psychological drama it would establish the violence of the war which you allude to in the interstitial text. To make room for these additions I think you could still lose some more from the Yoda/Palpatine battle and Anakin’s murder of Sandpeople (I think his journey is stronger if he merely dreamed of murdering them, since actually doing it this early tips his hand).

Speaking of the transition between films, I would really have liked to see some of the end of AOTC with Anakin and Padme’s marriage and the beginning of the clone wars. It could even be presented as a series of vignettes between the lines of blue text indicating the buildup to war. I’m imagining something like the time jump in Dune, except with text instead of voiceover: https://youtu.be/OKStvZJQBDg?t=75

Despite these issues, I really enjoyed this and consider it one of the more successful prequel edits I’ve seen.